So what's the deal, which one are we betting on as the place to direct all the new traffic? What's the contender for primary public internet bulletin board? Right now the arrow to an alternative is looking like this:
I'm personally guessing the conclusion is already reached; We have no place we're betting on. We're disinterested in pushing for any particular result. We don't expect people to migrate. Many might not even want them to.
I also expect this place to be dead and forgotten by the end of the year, a few mentions and visits on occasion, but never growing past a maximum of ~100 participants in the most active posts.
Do you understand how Lemmy-and the fediverse in a broader sense-works exactly? It doesn't need to compete head to head with reddit. See, back in ye olden days, reddit had a somewhat higher barrier to entry and catered to people who were more technically minded and moving away from increasingly commercialized social media platforms.
Does this sound familiar?
Lemmy has a long way to go, but coming in here and waving the white flag after less than a week is a little foolish.
Lemmy has a long way to go, but coming in here and waving the white flag after less than a week is a little foolish.
Be honest with yourself. If lemmy was an attractive alternative, you would've seen much more rapid growth these last couple days. Lemmy simply wasn't ready for prime-time when this opportunity arose, maybe it will be later.
Just some random examples, because the new BIG servers haven't even started registering on the stats. Speaking of new servers, the number of servers have DOUBLED since last month to over 160 instances.
You should've seen way more. You weren't good enough to retain anything near the potential, the majority of replies to people suggesting the fediverse as an alternative commented or upvoted sentiment indicating that that didn't like what they saw. The rest, a minority, were mostly along the lines of "It's strange, but not that bad."
It doesn't help that you promote instances that look like something from a temp-mail domain. Way to advertise.
Be honest with yourself. If lemmy was an attractive alternative, you would’ve seen much more rapid growth these last couple days. Lemmy simply wasn’t ready for prime-time when this opportunity arose, maybe it will be later.
Compared to the amount of traffic before people started migrating it's doing exponentially better than it was prior lol. The fact of the matter is lemmy takes a little bit to fully understand, so there will be a barrier to entry that only early adopters will get over. Growth will be slow for sure, and lemmy might not take off. But the Fediverse as a whole seems to be the Internet's response to a increasingly corporate run social media environment.
A fun thing to point out is that this little comment has more engagement than almost every post on Lemmy. All but 10.
Go tell those spergs over there how Lemmy works, and see if that convinces them to change their mind.
The results speak for themselves, this is a bad new user experience and will need thorough consideration and clever restructuring. I think you're too satisfied with the fact that it's functional at all.
The Fediverse won't be any kind of meaningful response to corporate social media until you stop being satisfied with just the front row audience.
The Fediverse won’t be any kind of meaningful response to corporate social media until you stop being satisfied with just the front row audience.
You're right everyone just showed up and was like "lul good enough"
Things are changing, with more interest comes more eyes and with more eyes comes more work. The programming subreddits in particular have taken to discord and various lemmy instances and began building their own infrastructure.
All I see is you complaining going 'Its too hard!!', yet contributing nothing of substance to the conversation outside of displaying your own lack of understanding of how Lemmy functions as a software.
You're welcome to migrate over to and give it a try, I think it'll be a bit more streamlined and easier for you to figure out. Fortunately thanks to the fediverse you have that option, and we'll still be able to interact.
Give it time, friend.
Another thing to note is the upvote/comment ratio for posts. The types of people that post and comment on reddit are the ones looking to migrate. They'll find a place one way or another, and if its any of the various federated social media platforms, that content will end up here and vice versa.