Does anyone know how to set a custom mouse acceleration curve on Sway? man sway-input does mention mouse acceleration but unfortunately it's one of those "you won't learn anything new unless you already knew it before" type of manpage.
I also found this project which I will probably use in the end but I would also like to hear if anyone of you has any experience with custom acceleration profile, in case there is a better way or whatever.
Edit: I will use leetmouse (different branch tho), because libinput's acceleration is not very good for gaming (see comments for sources)
IIRC the acceleration curves supported by Sway are the same as libinput, at least that's how I understood the poor pieces of Dokumentation I found [1].
I don't think think libinput supports offsets and upper limits, so it's not really useful for gaming.
I'd recommend going with leetmouse, which does work well (altough I don't use it anymore).
leetmouse by systemofapwne is more up to date and includes the PR of N-R-K [2].