The body mass index has long been criticized as a flawed indicator of health. A replacement has been gaining support: the body roundness index.
"The body mass index has long been criticized as a flawed indicator of health. A replacement has been gaining support: the body roundness index." Article unfortunately doesn't give the freaking formula for chrissakes; it's "364.2 − 365.5 × √(1 − [waist circumference in centimeters / 2π]2 / [0.5 × height in centimeters]2), according to the formula developed by Thomas et al.10"
Height selection on metric side has jumps of up to 3 centimeters lmao. Makes me doubtful about the accuracy since I've never before seen that
I'm also pretty skinny and it says my BMI and body fat is great but that I'm too round. I don't even have belly and it is showing me as quite rotund lol. I think there's something fucky going on with my measurements or about inputting metric into the calculator.
E: Tried it again and now I'm out of healthy zone for being too lean. Hmm. I'm not sure if I measured wrong or they're saying I should have a bit of a belly. Which is the sort of medical advice I actually want lol
Height selection on metric side has jumps of up to 3 centimeters lmao.
Too lazy to look, but given 1 inch = 2.54 cm, my guess is the tool is written in inches, and just rounds those values to the nearest whole cm, thus alternating between 2 & 3 cm increments.
Maybe to a half inch, but it's not super popular (except for kids who ALWAYS are proud of that half inch they grew in x period of time). At least, that was the case before I moved to the sanity of metricland.
As a separate person, Drag is not Dragonfucker but concurs that Drag pronouns make Drag sound very cool, and Drag would like to adopt Drag's neopronouns for Dragself as well.
It "works" for me, but if you want to put in xxx in CM, it might not be there because they stick to inches and you need to round up/down :/ For example, it goes 170cm to 173cm
But I do have extra dense bones apparently, which tends to be mostly what screws with my BMI, and my ability to float/swim. But they seem really hard to break, not that I try very hard... but none of them have broken yet. And I've been in situations that seem like they should have broken.
Either way, I weigh alot more than I look like I should, not quite "Wolverine getting on a motorbike", but a bit like that.
Kinda makes me wish those "guess your weight" carnival experts were something I could see in real life, only ever seen it on TV.
This is giving me body fat percentages that are around double what I get from other methods. Not sure what's up, but I don't really believe my 5'8" 150lb ass is 30% body fat
I went from Anorexia in the military to getting out and doing calisthenics for years now. I am quite a bit smaller than average. Usually between 13-17%, primarily using Navy Body Fat measurement scale to determine it.
I think interestingly enough it's inaccurate in the other direction. While BMI is will call people unhealthy if they have a lot of muscles, this will call people healthy if they are like me severely underweight.
My roundness index claims it's in the healthy zone while in reality my weight is unhealthy.
I'm currently receiving treatment for onset osteoporosis caused by malnutrition. Also it's kinda obvious your weight is probably not healthy when your ribs are sticking out.