I think the point is that the fear of not being able to get it out easily would lead your jaw muscles to clench up. So somebody would have to basically trick you into thinking that the imitation is real.
Well, given that it could fit in, it could come out the same way. I have a rather large face hole, so I think it could fit. Is the meme meant to be that the lightbulb is too big for most people to even get in?
Use an ice cream cone. Saves the effort of making some elaborate food thing. And with a cone, you can just bite through it, after the the hard outer, the ice cream is just easy to bite through.
I think the problem comes.up when your jaw locks and its a bastard to move it. I get it occasionally when I'm eating or yawning.
It was enlightening. Like I got my lips around the base. I pulled it out just fine. Maybe these folks were like deep throating these light bulbs, which honestly I think the porn industry might have influenced these light bulb deep throats.
Anyone who's worked on electronics know the frustration of the "easy to insert, hard as hell to remove" type fasteners that manufacturers insist on using. Basically the exact same principle as this. Plenty of plastic casing fasteners and super tiny and delicate connectors are built like that. If something goes wrong during disassembly, at best you'll have an unsightly crack or blemish on the casing, at worst you rip an internal connector and its socket right off the circuit board along with some traces, destroying it. And getting frustrated exponentially increases the chances you'll break something.
I've accidentally peeled like an inch of copper traces off the PCB too, when the pads are attached strongly enough (or the copper is adhered weakly enough? Not sure which). Way worse feeling than nails on a chalkboard, RIP device.
I just don't get how this can be true. Don't people have different sizes mouths? How can if fit going in but not coming out? Am I just falling for a stupid joke? Either way I kinda want to try this now.
I don't know if this is true, but it seems plausible that the bulb could have asymmetric strength depending on the angle force is applied. Glass does weird things! Case in point: Prince Rupert's drops.
So.... How do you take it out though? Someone else's help? Why wouldn't they break it while trying to take it out too? Or is breaking it the only option, as a lesson for your stupidity? Is this a painful/traumatic enough torture method? So many questions 🤔
What if you meditate or go to sleep or otherwise relax it enough to take it out? That should work if the only thing keeping it in is the involuntary stress/fear response of muscle tension.
I don't understand why this is so tempting. It's clearly dangerous and even says not to do it.
Anyways, my mouth is ever slightly too small for one to accidentally slip in. But I could probably force it and not have the ability to crunch a plastic LED bulb to get it out.