Totally, and I feel the same way when I have a crown. I've been tracking the players in my ranked matched and the winner is usually platinum 2 or 3 (I'm now silver 2) so it's not even doing the one thing I hoped it would do, pretty much giving up on it.
I got up to Gold 2 or 3 I think, then reset to bronze 3, now back up to silver 2. I was playing duo fill recently and one person I was paired with said they had reached platinum and were currently gold 3 and that was surprising since i was still bronze at the time. I guess I was hoping it would fix the uneven SBMM of pubs, but I run into players way better than me all the time.
It's annoying that ZB is duos only. I much prefer playing solo and can't build for nothing so playing as a solo in duos is my only option, which is annoying. I do think its something Fortnite needed though as serious players now have something to work towards.
I'm only in Silver atm, though don't anticipate going much higher since I'm naturally bad at FPS games due to my abysmal hand eye co-ordination.