You could try and bridge it with the steam link app.
Yeah not obvious to me at all. I came to the comments to get enlightened because I did not get the joke.
Plus, even if you would have watched the whole thing, there is no guarantee for anything. Trailers are a marketing ploy to get you interested, hyped or otherwise engaged in the topic. Often enough have trailer and finished product deviated from one another. To beat a dead horse, cyberpunk or no man's sky, while apparently good now the backlash on release was due to marketing, misleading trailers and so on.
Was ist das denn für eine Arbeitsmoral, also mit der Einstellung wirst du dich nie hocharbeiten können.... am Ende willst auch noch in den Ruhestand gehen oder was?
Die sollen mal die Dienstwagen und Inlandsflüge der Politiker streichen. Dann wären die Bahnverbindungen auch besser.
In der Erklärung ist die Pauschale keine Komplikation. Da gibt es deutlich bessere Orte meiner Meinung nach. Meiner Meinung nach sollte man nicht bei der Pauschale Schluss machen sondern alle 'muss man halt geltend machen' Dinge streichen. Dann kannste gleich die ganze Geschichte dem Amt geben, sodass die dir eine fertige Erklärung zuschicken und du nur die Richtigkeit bestätigen musst.
Don't fuss about resources, many players (myself included) are happy to take a new guy on for missions and are often looking for crew members.
You can ask in chat if someone has a specific ship that they are willing to call for you or if someone does a specific gameplay loop and is in need of a pair of hands. For example miners often look for ppl. be it as miner or scout.
I am deeply in love with Orision and thus recommend the crusader system security forces as a good starting point. A couple of missions and you should be able to do the 'liberation / defend' missions on the planet where you fly to them living platforms to stop a raid on Orision. There a bunch of boxes with food and drinks if you don't like buying that and you can take the npcs weapons and armor. Each mission is also decent pay imo.
I can't offer much advice in terms of using the sticks. Better in combat, tbh do a bunch of bounty hunter missions and just go blow (npc) ships up. Alternatively join events like jump town. There is always some form of pvp going on that trains you.
Thinking about any unintended consequences is always good. I also agree that a 'rug pull' in general terms is not a good thing, however; since we are talking about the privacy of the consumer and turning said privacy into a consumer right, I don't think there will be a lot of negative consequences. The companies are going to complain but they do that no matter what.
Personally I think, any company that solely relies on selling user data as revenue stream deserves to go down.
Bro we can advertise without breaching of privacy.
I mean he was a carpenter..
Thank you for this give away, have a lovely Christmas time, however you celebrate it.
I just enjoy free stuff and don't have a preference. I sadly don't have a story to share, well I've got plenty but none I am willing to post online ^^
Fermi paradox ist: es gibt so viele Galaxien, Sterne und Planeten in der Goldilocks Zone dessen, und das Universum ist so unglaublich alt das selbst bei einer minimalen Chance auf leben es tausende Planeten mit leben geben müsste bzw. gegeben hat, aber wir finden keines.
Was du meinst ist die 'Great Filter' Theorie, das es gewisse Filter gibt die alle Zivilisationen / das Leben durch gehen muss. Da gibts mehrere Ansätze. Wir haben einen oder mehrere vielleicht auch den einzigen Filter hinter uns, sind also die ersten die es geschafft haben. Deswegen keine Aliens. Oder aber es gibt einen oder mehrere Filter noch vor uns, was halt schlecht ist für uns weil wir noch kein Leben gefunden haben im All scheint der kommende Filter nicht zu überwinden zu sein.
The USA have a two party system with majority takes it all, you can barely call it a democracy tbh.
I have not played the second part yet, only the first, however, I know that you should aim for living and shopping to be close by, best with some of the mixed used buildings. Then Industrie not too far away and downwind. Then set up public transport. A bus line that only serves living, or only runs in the industry sector is unhelpful if they never meet anywhere. People want to go from living to commercial and industry. Create alternatives to cars. Create foot paths and bike lane shortcuts.
Have an eye on the intersections, do you have traffic lights were a give way sign would be better? Do you follow the road hierarchy artery roads - collector/ distributor roads and then local roads? The higher up the fewer intersections you want on the road.
Well if you are not a furry then you might want to change the "we're" to "were"