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Serrurier québécois qui adore l'informatique et l'électronique. Je vis selon l'idée que si quelqu'un a réussi a le fabriquer, je peux surement le réparer avec les bons outils.

Locksmith from Québec that love computer and electronic. I live by the idea that if someone built something, I could probably fix it.


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Comments 2
What open-source software would you like more people to know about?
  • @shinysquirrel @PumpkinDrama I've been using password-store for a while now and I love it. I have it synced on multiple device via a bare git repo

  • Is the out-of-the-box quality of desktop-focused Linux distros declining recently?
  • @xaxl Today I installed a Debian 12 system from a live usb of the Gnome version. It's out of the box and works great. I have a AMD GPU /CPU. Both supported without tweaking.

    A friend of mine had trouble installing Debian because he has a NVidia GPU. But he had great success with ubuntu.

    For packaging systems can I suggest you checkout pkgsrc ?