- lineageos.org Changelog 8 - May ASB, Jelly, Donations and More Servers
Changes since 18th April 2017
grapheneos.org GrapheneOS releasesOfficial releases of GrapheneOS, a security and privacy focused mobile OS with Android app compatibility.
grapheneos.org GrapheneOS releasesOfficial releases of GrapheneOS, a security and privacy focused mobile OS with Android app compatibility.
grapheneos.org GrapheneOS releasesOfficial releases of GrapheneOS, a security and privacy focused mobile OS with Android app compatibility.
grapheneos.org GrapheneOS releasesOfficial releases of GrapheneOS, a security and privacy focused mobile OS with Android app compatibility.
- lineageos.org Changelog 17 - Building Blockchains, Genuine Guarantee, and Lucky Lock
Disruptive innovations
grapheneos.org GrapheneOS releasesOfficial releases of GrapheneOS, a security and privacy focused mobile OS with Android app compatibility.
grapheneos.org GrapheneOS releasesOfficial releases of GrapheneOS, a security and privacy focused mobile OS with Android app compatibility.
- lineageos.org Changelog 18 - Ready reader, super suggestions and functional firewall
Changes since April 1st, 2018