I think the problem here is the concurrent effects of climate change. The US couldn't have picked a worse time to move from flirting with facism to full-on marrying it.
You can deal with one crisis if you're coordinated enough but the chaos that's already occurring with the climate - and is set to become exponentially worse - doesn't give me much hope for a harmonious conclusion to this. Obviously, I hope I'm wrong and you're right.
If nothing else, I'm enjoying the cathartic rage sarcasm cropping up everywhere on this site.
That's the kind of spite-filled journey I can absolutely get behind
There's also the problem that it's just not particularly funny. Jokes that punch down on minorities are always shit. Even 'ironically' they're usually shit. It's uncreative, it's the lowest common denominator and it also tells me the people thigh-slapping their way through the comedian's set are idiots at best, straight-up racist at worst. Given the context this set took place in, I think we can safely assume the latter here.
Fuck off.
Unless you're a Mormon, then this is lies
That makes grim sense, actually. I hadn't bothered to check the bots sources in the slightest, so thank you both for taking the time to reply.
Why is this bot always blasted with down votes, lol
Are you me?
Very true. There's also the issue of giving birth. Women would have to be spun around like salad in a spinner in order to simulate Earth gravity but I imagine that's a perk for Elon.
The reason you're not ever living on Mars is that it has no magnetosphere. Good fucking luck surviving any length of time with constant ionising radiation slapping the shit out of your DNA. This fact alone should have shut down any discussion of feasibility about colonising Mars.
Although it does make the three-titted chick from Total Recall way more realistic.
Yeah, I dunno about that considering he promised to end world hunger if the UN could show him how the money was used. They did and he essentially told them to fuck off and donated it to himself instead: https://truthout.org/articles/musk-pledged-6b-to-solve-world-hunger-but-gave-it-to-his-own-foundation-instead/
The craziest thing about that is there's a video documenting the whole thing. It's on YouTube and well worth watching; probably one of the first, if not the first televised coup.
Saddam nonchalantly smoking a cigar while the auditorium's mood goes from confused to hysterical is something to behold. Properly chilling.
Found a clip narrated by the much missed Christopher Hitchens: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CR1X3zV6X5Y
That's the first time I've ever double-taked a sentence before. Nice.
Er, what? If I look at the clock and see it's 0955 I know exactly that it's 35 minutes. Same for every other example you give. If it's 1252, it's so easy to add 8 minutes then add whatever it is more. And you can do that for any time. Say 1017. "Oh no!" Never fear, the just add it to the time wangs are here: +13 to 30 and woah! Easy, foolproof and actually intuitive
Where did the trans stuff even come from, my dude? No mentioned it until you - weirdly - brought it up.