Using someones homophobia to mock them is highly ok.
Don't call them a little removed tho. That ain't cool.
I guess this is what is implied, but this is what I read at first.
Greek/ancient gods were meant to be a relatable kind with faults and everything. They were not omnipotent or there such. This enables much more compelling stories to be told.
Terrible technique. You need to place your hands outside of the danger zone of the bonker. Also the chain is a tad long, but good enough. You are much closer to the studed head than your foe so you actually need to be careful.
Ok, but have you had raw milk Camembert? That's probably the one thing from the list where you guys should be more lax.
Das ist nen gleitflug und kein Absturz.
Eine Bauernhofkqtze ist schonmal unterwegs.
There tend to be 2 loops, an closed one to the server and an evaporative cooler as a cold side.
It improves the efficiency of the data centre because you need less expansive cooling. You need to get rid off the heat somehow.
It's not really big. There are multiple Pluto like planetoids. Also there is a hunk of rock in the asteroid belt youcould name a planet.
No, because the water you use for coffee is converted entirely to coffee+wet grounds. Can't save there. But the pasta water isn't entirely absorbed by the pasta and the sauce.
Note that you can cook noodles in gay less water than used by traditional methods and then use the excess to make your sauce.
Indi Spiele haben oft keine Landesspezifischen Altersfreigaben.
Could have gave them 2 normal ones, 1 3rd one wo tomatoes.
Das mit der Zahl ist generisches, nicht farbloses Manakosten. Farblos kann nur von farblosem mana bezahlt werden.
That wink was somewhat intended ;) The graphs are the intended primary meaning, but Linux usability has actually been complicated in the past.
I.e. I was unable to get a crappy 300$ Laptop running with Linux as a student (ca. 2016) to be used as a youtube/Netflix machine. But that is way in the past. It worked barely when using Windows and I had the hope to prolong its life with Linux. There were some complicated graphic driver issues.