😂I totally see them saying that at a keynote
Yea, I guess Apple is aiming somewhere in this direction by giving new AI Siri all the context information to make you feel that it cares about you 🤔
Microsoft’s Recall as well
There are AI girlfriends in japan long before chatGPT… It does not seem to bad to me. Sad, but not bad.
Not modded it, or is it not de “good” batch?
Wish they had chosen a better title for the article..
And what do you do with this carbonized plastic? Or is it a way to get CO2 out of the air? Or is the example above hust not feasible because it is hard to automate?
They want but they can’t (yet)
😆the plastic does not disappear just because you melt it using a microwave. Or have I understood something wrong?
I don’t think that it is illegal to talk about illegal stuff 🤔 but maybe in some countries, it is, who knows, at least not where I live
AI chatting with AI using tons of resources without doing anything useful 😌 the similarities to bitcoin ate immense 😆
In order to fuck🤭
Just don’t let your TV talk to the internet.
😍I love this view
Da stimme ich dir zu, vielleicht hätte ich mich wohl besser ausdrücken sollen 😅
To be fair, Trump stellt sich auch immer wieder in die Opferrolle 😆
Aber ja, gut argumentiert
Du siehst ein Problem in Atomkraft? Atomkraft ist nicht wegzudenken in einer erfolgreichen Energiewende. Aber, wenn man lieber Gas Kohle und Öl verbrennt… 🤷🏻
Es existiert nur wenn du der Meinung bist, dass es existiert. Apparently.
Trump wirkt auch nicht meeeega intelligent…
Just get yourself a Domain and set up dynDNS or similar, which updates your DNS entry IP address, as soon as it changes.
😌if we just would finally adopt to IPv6…
This is hilarious 😆
Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.
Music recommendations searching
Right now, I mostly listen to these artists right now:
cloZee, LSDream, Dirt Monkey, subtronic, Zingara, liquid stranger, svdden death, mellow head, Griz, Jantsen, SoDown, LUZCID, champagne drip, Ganja White Night, Zomboy, Blunts and Blondes, Austeria
Now I wanted to ask, du you like them as well?, and do you have any recommendations based on my listening behaviour?
Apply backport gentree to 5.15 kernel
Hey there
I have to add backported drivers to my 5.15 kernel source in order to create a embedded Linux on kernel 5.15 compatible with newer devices like 5ghz wifi dongles.
I understood that I have to use this command:
Python3 ./ gentree --integrate --clean /path/to/linux-next /path/to/my/5.15-kernel-source-git
But it fails stating it wanted to copy a file from new linux that only exists in the old linux
Have I understood that wrong?
Edit: it says it does not find …/lib/memneq.c which seems not existing there at least since 6.2 🤔
Edit2: I fear that it only backports 5.15 drivers to even older kernels 😮 so, I think I have to integrate lwfinger‘s rtw88 backport into my 5.15 kernel sources, somehow, after all
Is there a wiiU piracy?
The wiiU is a very great console to hack, it can run all older Nintendo consoles including GC, wii and ds. Aren’t there any user here wanting to discuss that?
I just love the hshop (and the ghost eshop(for the NDS roms))
Had to download for about 36h 🤣 but it worked well
Can someone tell him that I think that I know the problem?
I have a 5,5 myself, but not installed arch yet (I will because of Nvidia 🤪btw) and I have the same problem. The solution is to boot with the stick unplugged and holding alt until you get into the boot choosing thingy. While on that screen, plug in the usb you want to boot from. It should magically appear. I have no clue why it doesn’t appear directly, it even reads from the USB (blinking lights in the stick), but it even works, if it is plugged in while initial boot, just plug out plug in and ding it appears.
best PWA ever used on iOS! works even on 75% 😍
I recognized, that many PWA do not work properly if iOS (iPadOS) Safari set to 75% scaling. It always zooms wierdly in, especially if a input field is tabbed. After a short research, I found this:
Does Voyager use this for it’s awesomeness, or is there a more clean way? And could please someone put that into nextcloud dashboard and all the *arrr apps? 😂 that‘d be nice
reuse airport express
I got two AirPort Express from my dad. Now, since the hardware is so old, I thought maybe there is way to get root or at least elevated rights somehow in order to play with it a little
Hope someone knows something about it, or knows which community may help me better with
😊have a nice day!
let's start: go to wiiu.hacks.guide
There you will be lead how to mod your we. If you are done, we can Talk about all the funny homebrew apps available 🎉😃
⚠️I’m not a mod⚠️