As someone else said in this thread, it's not legal. And it's surprisingly expensive, fines for not having the sticker is roughly 100 Euros. I believe getting caught doing what OP has suggested will be fined just the same.
Probably that either the girl should never have been born, or that the girl has given birth to a kitten. Makes no sense either way.
In any case, I hope the dog has gotten over it.
I believe it refers to current status, so it's "Not in Education, Employment or Training". Doesn't mean the person cannot have a degree or diploma or at least finished school.
Back then, I swapped my i5-6600k out for a Ryzen 3700X. Games like GTA V would never exceed 50% CPU usage, so I always thought the i5 was plenty. Once I got the 3700X, the frame pacing improved dramatically and the game felt so much smoother, even though I was frame-capped at 70 due to the monitor I was using. CPU usage often does not tell you half the story.
GPU will often be at 100% load, but the CPU can be a bottleneck even if the displayed load is way below 100%.
Lucky you. I've had some bizarre bugs and apart from that still consider the game severely overrated.
That's all fine and dandy, but I just want my 8800 XT yesterday. Intel and noVideo GPU rumors are getting thicker, but nothing new from AMD.
To be fair, they're in a bad spot and I wouldn't wanna be a diplomat for Germany right now. That said, it's crazy that they're even refusing to say that they would arrest Netanyahu and his cronies if shit comes to shove.
Germany was one of the big proponents that made The Hague as an institution happen. Now they're saying "It's not for us to make a judgment" and they would be right. You can pledge to arrest them and the ICC will do their job. Fulfilling a warrant doesn't make you the judge.
Sucks to be him, I guess?
Fuß im Gaspedal verhakt, achso. Schon eigenartig, dass Mercedes für so gefährliche Konstruktionen eine Typgenehmigung erhält. Wenn sowas selbst den unfallfreiesten und erfahrensten Fahrern passieren kann!
2112 is amazing, but I'm not sure if it's the best in their catalogue. By the way, the city is spelled "Bangkok" in most languages lol.
But rumours also say that RDNA 4 will be somewhat of a half-assed generation and that they're putting resources in something maybe called "UDNA" instead, which will compete at the top end.
Können wahrscheinlich nur ein bisschen niederländisch lesen.
Those people are so weird.
Oh thanks for clarifying this. I thought Square as in "don't be a square" and POS for well, "piece of shit".