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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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My server won't turn on 🫤
  • One thing that was only mentioned briefly by someone else is the physical button turning on the computer.

    Similar to the paperclip test figure out where the power button goes into the mainboardw and bridge that with a short cable. Is possible that by moving the case the old button lost a cable.

    This is just one more thing to test though, it's really trial and error as you know :)

  • Kleptomaniacs or people who know a kleptomaniac, what aspects of the stolen items increase the appeal to steal them (to whoever the kleptomaniac you know is)?
  • You have one assumption in your question that is wrong. Sorry to hijack your question a but this is important to me and I hope useful to someone reading it

    Kleptomania is the inability to resist the urge to steal items, usually for reasons other than personal use or financial gain. [...] kleptomania is classified in psychiatry as an impulse control disorder.

    There is no inherent motive.

    The distinction is important to me because kleptomania can be one of the lesser known symptoms of an underlying ADHD diagnostic.

    To give an example from several decades ago: I had to wait on an empty cash register right next to an exit. Something in my brain went "fuck this"and I walked out without my shopping. But with a 24 pack of soda... Which I didn't even like.

    To come back to your question: if, long before therapy, a painting would've pulled my interest and the effort would've been quite low that could've been enough. I.e. next to an exit or already rolled up.

  • What is the central tenet(s) of political anarchism? What makes a political philosophy anarchism vs something else?
  • One thing to point out: it doesn't say "elected".

    In theory it might be just the best leading person for a role.

    That in itself is the most complex issue in my opinion: where do leaders come from and how do you make sure that they don't overstay their need? It's an unresolved issue and democracy is our best answer yet, in my opinion.

  • OCR handwritten WWII letters
  • No direct help from my side but I wanted to wish you good luck!

    It would perhaps help others to help you if you briefly outlined what you tried already and where it strugglesI e in theory chatgpt can transcribe and I think so can Claude. If you can give an example page even better.

    If you use an already manually transcribed page you can even make a quick diff to estimate quality.

    Again, good luck!

  • Am I being held back by using casaos?
  • From what I understand: CasaOS is simply an abstraction layer and takes away a lot of the manual work.

    I agree with you that this shows down learning quite a bit.

    I see three ways forward for you:

    a) switch to a Linux base system, Debian, arch, nixos, whatever resonates and set up everything from scratch. High learning curve but no more hidden things.

    b) same as a but as a separate setup. This is what I would recommend if you have the time and cash. Replicate what's already working and compare.

    c) figure out how to do things manually within the CasaOS framework. Can't help you there though :)

  • Zaltzman said a number in the cinema
  • Ha! I thought the same thing and looked up the definition and "one", unlike "three", has meanings which are not related to the number:

    I guess they didn't want to spend the ten minutes it would take Alex and Andy to have an unskippable grammar nerd cutscene!

    I'm actually not sure if I would've called or not to be honest. I guess I'm hindsight the wording of the task would have needed to be more precise ("say anything that can be interpreted as a number").

  • Urteil des Bundesgerichthofs: K.o.-Tropfen kein »gefährliches Werkzeug«
  • Mir ging es um die Formulierung im Gesetz, dass das dem nicht folgen muss (fälschlicherweise, meiner Meinung nach). Die Relation dazu ist ja die Verwendung einer Waffe im Kontext physischer Gewalt. Das ist einfach zu wage formuliert, wenn der Text wäre "mittelbaren Einfluss auf die Gesundheit nimmt" oder ähnliches würde sich die Frage nicht stellen.

    Für die, die nicht selber suchen aber sich eine Meinung bilden wollen:

    (8) Auf Freiheitsstrafe nicht unter fünf Jahren ist zu erkennen, wenn der Täter

    1. bei der Tat eine Waffe oder ein anderes gefährliches Werkzeug verwendet oder

    2. das Opfer

      a) bei der Tat körperlich schwer misshandelt oder

      b) durch die Tat in die Gefahr des Todes bringt.


  • Urteil des Bundesgerichthofs: K.o.-Tropfen kein »gefährliches Werkzeug«
  • Wieso? Machen es doch richtig: Das ist der Gesetzestext, hier die Bedeutung, dieses Thema gehört nicht in diese Schublade.

    Hier muss der Gesetzgeber nachbessern, nicht das Gericht.

    Bitte nicht aus Versehen die Gewaltenteilung untergraben, nur will ein (naja eher zwei) Arme ihren Job nicht in unserem Sinne machen...

  • Wayland Compositor Hyprland 0.45.0 released
  • Not Op here, from what I've read is that the answer to that question is unknown but he showed a significant tolerance for some. Does that make it himself fine? In my book: yes.

    For me personally it was enoughto leave the project behind as it's so closely tied to the person.

    That's a call everyone needs to do for themselves though if course