Les ravages de la société de consommation ? On en est la? Pour trouver qu’une température agréable n’est pas une attente déraisonnable ?
Et encore une fois, on n’est pas a poil dans la maison non plus et dans les chambres 19 degrés c’est parfaitement suffisant. Mais pas dans les pieces de vie ou dans les salles d’eaux.
Et il n’est pas question non plus de « cramer des quantités astronomiques d’énergies »; on a une maison A+ et une consommation d’électricité parfaitement raisonnable pour la chauffer.
Vous me donnez l’impression de chercher la plainte et de vous auto flageller énormément…
Mais c’est agréable pour vous de se sur-couvrir dans votre propre maison?!
Je suis en jeans et sweat-shirt, pas en boxer non plus… mais commencer a monter en pull de laine, sous vêtements et autres vêtements de ski c’est vraiment pas ma vision du confort… encore une fois dans ma maison ou je vis et travaille, pas dans un lieu publique ou de passage.
Et l’humidité est maîtrisée aussi, on habite pas ds un marécage et la VMC fait son travail.
Or architects, infrastructure engineer… plenty of peripheral functions are hired as « IT engineers » and not pushing code in a repo. What a weird article.
19*, sobriété énergétique… est-ce qu’on ne commence pas a deconner un peu? En dessous de 21 - avec un sweat - ca caille. Pour limiter les conséquences sur l’environnement on a mis une PAC mais avoir froid chez moi non merci.
Bha commence… ca me semble deja pas mal rude. Ca commence a se voir énormément sur marketplace / 2ememain; il y a un énorme influx d’objets venant des hobbies de gens qui doivent rationaliser / trouver du cash. Bien plus que l’année passée.
Nha that one is in another league of coolness. That’s scifi level of cool.
Ratings are somewhat discouraging though.
The real surprise for me is how little the battery of my iphone holds. Especially compared to my ev6 or what my heat pump guzzles daily. Crazy.
Sounds to me you kind of need both. Let’s take reddit :) as an example ; On one hand you could register it as a platform but then you’d need something to index the posts themselves so that you get relevant results for on-plateform content. Not everything needs to be a hammer :)
Maybe we could stop giving a platform to the crazies that foster those stories. Both of them; the idiots that see ai artefacts everywhere but also the fear mongers of the sort of the blog here. It reminds me of « be afraid of rpgs » in the 80ies and then « videos games are going to turn teens in murderers » in the 90ies… every new tech has curves for their maturity, cultural & societal fit. We just so happen to be at the shitty times for ai. But eventually the fad will go away, most crazies will move to something else and attention whores will also find a new niche.
For English it opened me unending trove of knowledge and online interactions and capability to access more first hand information. Plus all the books, music and movies. Faster and without shitty translations. For Dutch slightly more tolerance from from the other half of the country. Surprisingly very little in terms of music and medias but given my very narrow tastes it’s likely my fault. For Spanish some fun and free drinks which is already a miracle considering my shitty level. For Japanese I’m starting to enjoy og material (anime and manga) and surprisingly basic tv shows. It’s unfortunately very unlikely that I’ll ever reap similar benefits compared to English.
Somewhat I believe I’m less of an asshole from what I learned by interacting with others which would have been much harder if I hadn’t learned other languages.
The difference in addictiveness of sugar compared to alcohol and tobacco is largely discussed isn’t it? I can’t source it but I read something about that. It’s more that our society is culturally more accepting of sugar than it should…
Sure. Plenty of things are addictive as well. Games nowadays, sugar… they don’t get the hammer ban. Where’s everyone’s accountability when it takes the government to decide things for our kids? I for sure will support mine when they onboard social media - in the same way I’m trying to educate them of TV, Games, food, even music… That’s a parent’s job, not a government’s job in my opinion.
Well yes but those aren’t the only dangers are they? And not all social medias are equally problematic ; we’re better here than Facebook or so I like to believe. And life, in general, is filled with bullies.
Difficult debate. Not sure the traditional media are so much better. I personally think that educating teens to handle whatever medias would be preferable to a blanked ban. It’s going to be interesting to see how it will evolve.
Ultimate Online is where I have my fondest memories. On private servers, not on the origins one. Loved the people and the skill system where you could be anything. Also getting wrecked by a dragon 3 mins in game was nice. Also pack llama bombing the britania’s bank. Fun times.
I quitted few years ago already. I bought a pack of those peppermint like pills that contain nicotine to help stopping. They tasted so horribly bad I just had like 2 of them and quit smoking cold. So maybe go get some of those disgusting pills.