Both should be banned lol
Okay. Go to the nytimes website. Search for Israel. And then look at the language used for Israeli Actions compared to Hamas Actions.
"Conducts military strike" vs. "Fires rockets" "X palestinians left dead" vs. "Israelis killed"
And then go to Fox news or any of the more conservative newsites. Look at german news outlets. "The incarnation of evil" is a treatment reserved for Russia and Hamas in these circles, Israel is more like a morally wonky friend, who is still supported.
The further you go back, the less the actual negative press about Israel, despite the nature of the conflict from the beginning.
Leocunt clocks in at between 1.5 and 13 million.
Thats, at most, Hitlers numbers OUTSIDE of the war.
Mfer, the Knesset has multiple times proclaimed their intentions to raze Gaza and to "thin the gazan population to a minimum".
You dont need much more evidence than this
Mate. They arent. And we should not let this discourse be run by those who think they are.
Horray, we are the point of "actually, a lot of people were as bad as Hitler".
No, you dickwads. The man murdered 11 million people in 12 years outside of combat action, most of them within the last 5 years of his terror. Thats not counting any of the victims of the war itself: You know, 900.00 People starving in Leningrad alone and so forth. Thats why he is vilified.
Dont know why this reflex to downplay his atrocities is always there.
Oh and i have plenty of hate for the other fucks on that list. And Stalin. And Mao. And Pol Pot. And Idi Amin. And Netanyahu. And Kissinger. Because some people actually managed to dislike genocide as a concept and not just when it hits the people who look like them.
Iranians greeted the german national team with the hitler salute. In 2004. Not because he "destroyed the colonial powers that oppressed them". But because he killed people who werent Iranian. And half of them were Jewish.
You know, the people werent considered to be European in the 40s and who still arent considered European by the right.
Every continent, every region ignores the atrocities of those who did not kill them, lol.
Moin, du wunderbares Wesen! Ich wollte schon immer mal eines der Victoria-Spiele ausprobieren, aber aber bisher nie die Gelegenheit gehabt. Ich würde mich sehr über diesen Key freuen ^^
Naaaah, thats just the shitlibs talking. Or so i was told.
Damn, they are so good hiding that they actually enqct policies to counteract their own racism and sexism.
Clearly they must be worse, because they want to take abortion rights away by granting them to women.
Spiel Pirate Magic! Ich und ein paar Freunde drucken ider zeuchnen uns die Karten einfach selber und spielen dann gegen einander. So schaden wir Hasbro und haben Spaß :)
Yeah, but have you considered that both sides bad?
Generell ist mana storing etwas sehr altes. Heute gibt es oft Karten, die verhindern, dass Mana verschwindet.
Früher gab es auch noch die alten Lagerungsländer, die man entweder für farbloses Mana tappt, denen man für 1 mana und tappen einen Zähler gibt oder die mit tappen beliebig viele Zähler in mana umwandeln.
Das Kraftwrrk gibt btw schon, kostet zwei Mana mehr und heißt Gemstone Array.
Ich glaube, ich schmeiße gerade dich und macniel ein wenug zusammen. Aber generell fiel mir halt auf, dass auch vertrauensfrage und nicht in meinem Hinterhof phyrexian costs haben
Ich nochmal: Hast du eine Vorliebe für Phyrexianisches Mana oder ist das ein subtiler Kommentar zur inhärenten Ausbeutung des Planeten durch uns Menschen und unsere Energieversorgung?
Uff, mana batterie ist schon sehr kacke. Eigentlich nur ne 4 mana insel.
Wasserkraftwerk kann wenigstens Mana filtern.