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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 4
Comments 74
but always follow the rules!
  • A-SHOP-APP-NzVUYU5iWWlWSmh5R1ZSb0FrTW1ZMGNFRklqc1M1RmFWSEJoUEZWUmJ4V2NRZm1HRlprQ056TzNvVjd0SVdMRGJmSFZGVk0rMlZOUmczWE5FWE1HaFozRkcrb3VVR21aUncrTGlPSmY5L2MxaTFBVjJmM0ZQdzlxM3BWeDROekh5Z0F0YXVST091bGJ0b0ZBbk1nWlJYS1drSk9hQi9TclZUYTBCalh0R3NHZ2MzYmRLYmpTUlFsdS9DcTdTbWFPUXc5bUZIMnBMd0FvZ3g1dldERWk1bmNjcG4ySlpNdUJLNktFa3Z6MGFwMlljNkpmWFF2WmVNR1ZrdFdsUHQ2NWRWMEpmS2FNL1lvOXVGbEtmYTZZbDFURFdGdzNob1Y3WWJnT2hnS2JaMVh6dklCZTk0SmFyL0xkdEprUm4wU0UtLXE1UHd4NDZrT1RsZ2NHN3VuaWxIaXc9PQ==--375bc6082ff673aa872f608055e2003bab335127,,order_details_pagen

  • Why don't we do it in the Rule


    AMD lays off 4% of its workforce
  • hmmmm, seems like everyone's getting fucked regardless then. I'm working on next gen MI stuff and it's pretty hard to even get a req right now. Management hasn't mentioned the whole "strategic priorities" thing to us, probably because if we're not a priority, then who is? AMD didn't really do a lot of firing before now, at least not that I'm aware of, so maybe this is how they're explaining it

  • AMD lays off 4% of its workforce
  • as someone who works at AMD and on AI, this is only kinda true. While we're not as affected by layoffs, AMD has been extremely stingy with budget this year. Maybe that will change in the coming months though

  • AMD lays off 4% of its workforce
  • very strange to see someone say thay AMD pays better. we have a lot of attrition on our team because most competitors pay better. As for culture, it's ok. I'm senior enough that I can do whatever I want now. We do use a lot of in house tools that suck ass, but we seem to be moving towards standardisation. I'm hopeful that this trend continues. Idk if I would recommend AMD, but I have no idea what kind of work you do and what team might hire you. Wish you the best either way

  • Non-binary Scrubbing Parent Rule


    my one (piece) rule

    ALT: a picture of a conversation in Teams between two coworkers. One coworker says:

    LOL You should read One Piece Its such a good story in such an easy to digest format Too much "good content" is locked behind like super serious overtones Shit gets too heavy too much

    the other person responds:

    not only will I not be reading it, I will not be watching it either if you contact me again about this, I will seek legal action


    black midirule

    ALT: an excerpt from the lyrics of the song The Defence by black midi that reads:

    A brothel is a business no different than a bank

    As safe and as formal and sanitary

    My girls all destined for Hell

    Or so says our priest

    But find me a Christian who spends as much time on their knees
