True, but you need to know how to get to that place which shifts the problem a little but still
That's why they learn random facts about stink bugs to scare everyone away from their secret knowledge
Makes you think. His argument is that people that voted for Biden also voted for Kamala, right? So what about people who didn't vote for Biden in the first place?
They try to say "So long and thank you for the fish"
Du fragst mich, was vor Armut schützt
Die Antwort lautet Grundbesitz
Rainald Grebe
Hate to be that guy but actually 🤓 Pterodaktylus got extinct before Spanish branched from the western romance branch
I didn't buy a yacht today. What did you not buy? I need inspirations for tomorrow
... person meant mask. If you call someone a person, you accuse them of playing a role. Fact.
Sure, do it and tell me which homepage you use it for
Wenn der Faschismus wieder kommt, wird er nicht sagen, "ich bin der Faschismus". Er wird sagen "aber was ist mit den Linksextremen"
There is none. For all we know he lives on an island in an open relationship with Elvis
Zweiter Pfosten
Das ist aus der Zeit, als es Samstag 20:15 war. Das kann man sich gar nicht mehr vorstellen! Mittlerweile ist es ja nach Mitternacht. Erinnert ihr euch noch, was ihr damals gemacht habt?