The only band I regret that I never got to see live
I live on a bicycle street (legally means bikes have right of way, but not much more than that), but every morning at 08:00, there are a few, but enough parents that drive their kids to school, that it creates dangerous situations. Some schools here in the city even ban parents from dropping kids off by car, close to schools.
Oh noes! Infinite posts
Also wait twice as long for each new post^^
Wer zeichnet eigentlich diese Frösche? Die Zeichnungen sind toll!
Es wird nur vermutet π sei eine Normale Zahl, man weiß es aber nicht!
Ah him as well?!? It's just impossible to judge someone's character. His lectures on yt are incredible
In my case only if they play the Bg5 line, then you can have a wild game. If they play the Meeran (usually 5.e3) it ends up being more positional,but keeping all pieces and pawns on the board.
I play the Semi-slav with black, but just thats just by Chance. However, I agree with this comment, and also the fact that far fewer play the Semi-slav, might help you.
Semi-slav is a good tradeoff between solid and dynamic. Not as dynamic as the Grünfeld, but can still give interesting positions.
For those of us outside the US/North America, what is this flux price Wendy's thing?
Woops, wieder was gelernt. Danke!
Bildbeschreibung: Reece Simpson zeigt mit seinem Finger auf sein Kopf
Edit: Dachte es war Eddie Murphy aufm Bild
Any real-life example of anyone doing this?
Older post:
Some instances don't have any checks or barriers for signing up, so the bots can just get accounts from these kind of instances and keep spamming.
It was already discussed in a post here, lrt me see if I can find it
In meiner Heimat, Norwegen, ist es sogar Pflicht ein verletzes Tier umzubringen, wenn es nicht zu retten sei. 'Tiere sollen nicht unnötig leiden'.
Ich habe selber eine Katze umbringen müssen, nachdem sie unter ein Auto kam, und halb gelemt wurde. Es war keine leichte Aufgabe, aber die Tierärztin, die ich angerufen habe, meinte es sei die bessere Alternative fürs Tier. Entweder endet man das Leiden jetzt sofort, oder man wartet eine Stunde bis die Tierärztin kommt und die Katze einschläfert.
Die Frage ist vielleicht, ob das Tier wirklich so schwer verletzt sei, dass man es umbringen müsse.
Berliner Zeitung: Gewalt in Freibädern: Mehr Unterscheidung wagen, Einlass nur mit Schwimmabzeichen!
Ausweiskontrolle und Videoüberwachung bestrafen alle Freibadbesucher. Mit gezielter, antirassistischer Unterscheidung ginge es besser. Ein Gastbeitrag.
Autor Johannes Thumfart erzählt seine Meinung zu den Ursachen und möglichen Lösung zum Gewalt in Berliner Freibädern
US Chess make sanction list public
Effective immediately, US Chess is publishing the names of US Chess members who have been sanctioned by our organization. This decision by the Executive Board was reached via an 8-0 vote. Minors will not be named, but their sanction will be listed. Here is the text of the Executive Board motion:
> "Effective immediately, US Chess is publishing the names of US Chess members who have been sanctioned by our organization. This decision by the Executive Board was reached via an 8-0 vote.
Minors will not be named, but their sanction will be listed."
Most notably we see GM Alejandro Ramirez being effectively banned for life.
You can find the entire list in this Sanction list pdf