Yeah, I love my trackball, but I have to clean it once a week.
Both can be true.
Fuck conservatives.
Please don't. The world doesn't need any more of them
Tool (and APC and Pucifer) have a no phone policy for their concerts. The concert staff will kick you out if you're caught using it.
That experience was orders of magnitude better than watching a concert above a sea of cellphone screens.
Yeah, I fill up a trash bag every time I go hiking
"Your body, my choice," is a rape threat, not an anti abortion slogan.
Noting should ever be completely unregulated. Humans are the worst.
Because they're brainwashed to support things that are against their own best interests.
That hasn't been the right wing platform for decades.
That's why I went for a twin blade mower. It turns everything into powder.
As a caveat to the last sentence, it's definitely possible for women to not know they're pregnant until very late in the process. There have even been women who only found out they were pregnant when they went into labor.
It would be such a large boost in tax revenue at the very least.
We give animals more dignity in death than we do humans.
The hospital industrial complex doesn't get to make ass loads of money from keeping people alive just to suffer.
Because they're Jewish, so apparently they have a coupon for one free genocide.
It's kinda like how some groups think you can't be racist against white people. Idiots, the lot of them.
That usually raises prices.
Nope, it's the Parks and Rec child size soda
I'm actually pretty doubtful that Russia still has much of a nuclear capacity. Maintaining a nuclear arsenal is very expensive, and the Russian oligarchs have been embezzling massive amounts of money from the military.
They've had to resort to asking NK for help, so I don't think they have a good chance of winning the current conflict, much less an actual NATO power.
Option to mark posts as read after voting on it.
It would be helpful, for those of us who have pictures load in our feed, to have the option to have those posts marked as read after voting.
This would eliminate the need to click on every picture to use other "marked as read" features.