I feel like there's a disconnect between "crime" and building communities of mutual aid, respect, and love. Also there's an irony in focusing on the qualitative nature of property values in this kind of space? Regardless, the vast majority "crime" doesn't really help anyone--stealing someone's bike for resale is shitty, shoplifting from a local store is shitty (and tbh even the big ones bc then they pull out of the neighborhood, leaving us w/o a pharmacy), and tagging stuff up is a shitty exercise in ego-boosting. IDk, I think people have a right to feel safe in their communities no matter the affordability of housing
This is what you get when you put someone in charge who was raised and educated inside India. This is not India and we dont want it to become like India.
I think we can acknowledge this man's poor behavior and systemic misogyny in India without painting over a billion people as unqualified to lead or as dangerous to our country's cultural character. I have several of friends raised and educated in India, now living in the US, who are quite feminist--almost certainly more so than the average American citizen, especially given near half of Americans will vote for a sexual predator for the third presidential election in a row.
consume. you will be happy. just consume more. you need these things. consume. fuck the environment. consume. you will not be good enough without our product. consume. wrap yourself in the narratives we create about who you are by buying or not buying our product, subsume your understand of the world under the one we give you, prostrate yourself upon the altar of pseudo corporate idolatry, consume. consume consume consume.
the wonderfully bizarre amount of detail (like the reporters on camera right outside the site) is what makes it so good to me
i feel like every time i try to watch weekend update that one guy (the one who isn't scarjo's husband) makes a misogynistic statement and everyone pretends like it's a joke for some reason and i quit watching snl to do something much richer with my one wild life
average man in the suburban midwest tbh, just add some wraparound sunglasses and poorly maintained facial hair and you've got a portrait in 4k
realized I only had ~100 days left to post this now that he dropped out of the race lol
God, me
Are you there, God? It's me, [redacted].
yeah, we get it, you make your own coffee in the morning smh
huh. how mundane. not the prophecy that google translate augured smh
an intelligent, nuanced take in a shitpost space that recognizes the importance of touching grass and loving your neighbor and building structures of mutual aid? I didn't think I'd live to see the day 😍
"cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return"
psh ur mom showed me her full moon last night and it wasn't even half that thick
makes me want to become a beacon of pure love for my fellow lost fireflies winking and blinking in the long, dark night of the cosmos
fucking beautiful, stealing it
time isn't a line, the past and future swirls around us, the past does not know us and the future will forget us (and all of humanity), we are dead fuck it, no regrets
brb, boutta update my teaching philosophy in case I decide to go on the job market again
hmm I'm trying to remember how they reacted, and honestly they couldn't entirely remember. I think they liked voting for which one went up there, mostly because middle schoolers really like voicing their opinion. Probably a lot of them thought it was dumb, and some of them thought it was neat. To be honest, any way that middle schoolers are interacting with the subject of death is going to be fairly surface-level given where they are in their development as humans. But, I hope I was able to give them some of the tools to really begin exploring what these ideas mean to them, especially when the ideas and feelings start hitting like semis as they age. We also did a bunch of cool things, like I had a quarter where each week we'd read a fairy/folk tale or two centered around an idea (beauty, greed, evil, etc.), and then read some philosophy/news adjusted to their level that complimented the idea, and then they'd do some writing or whatever. Pretty fun. Kids seemed to actually like it tbh
But then I moved from my struggling rural district to a polarized rural/suburban district, and the kids there hated it and whined everything was too dark smh
Yes, I actually intended this as a personal attack specifically for you! So glad you saw it!!