I am not sure what Udemy is or how it works, but on most websites that have a "sign in with Google" link, it means that you don't actually have a separate password for that website, instead you authenticate yourself by having a cookie for your Google account set in your browser.
The best way to think about this is https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/moderation-is-different-from-censorship
Yes, but it's nothing new.
Many more recently named KDE apps don't have a K in them, like Dolphin or Elisa or NeoChat. Naming everything with a K in it was mainly something early KDE did.
Yes, here in Austria you are allowed to drive without headlights in bright conditions, only are required to turn them on when there is impaired visibility (night, rain, snow, fog, etc.).
I would never have become aware that that article existed if not for everyone talking about it being censored. The Streisand effect seems to still be alive.
Jes tio estis ankaŭ mia unua intuicio sed mi ne certas ĉu ĝi fakte estu Esperanto aŭ la -ejo estas nura koincido?
Redakto: laŭ https://forgejo.org/faq/ jes sed la intencita elparolo estas tamen "forĝejo"
What does an MS Outlook outage inherently have to do with programming?
In some places that can be, has been, or is done, in others not, for various reasons including license compatibility, data quality, maintainability (how do you reliably detect whether a data point is already there), etc. There is plenty of information about imports and other automated edits and the rules surrounding them on the OSM wiki.
xkcd #3015: D&D Combinatorics
>Look, you can't complain about this after giving us so many scenarios involving N locked chests and M unlabeled keys.
You can check on openstreetmap.org whether the data is on OSM at all. If it isn't, you can add it yourself, there are many ways to edit OSM and tutorials where you can learn it. The specific documentation for address keys is here: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:addr:*
In general, OsmAnd definitely does support searching for house numbers if they are correctly mapped in OSM. I've done it many times and tried it out just now too. So if it can't find any house numbers in the area you're looking at, that probably means they are just not on the map yet. OSM is and will always be a work in progress.
The article doesn't mention this, so I am adding that you can also read that annotated version online for free at https://www.mein-kampf-edition.de/ (but only in German; not sure if there are annotated translations into other languages, I never checked because German is my first language).
Wenn etwas der status quo ist, d.h. keine "Fake News", wie von einer allfälligen staatlichen Behörde definiert, gibt es per Definition dafür bereits genügend Propagandaorgane, somit hat niemand, der sich darüber informieren will, Probleme, dies zu tun.
Das Internet hat zu einer pluralistischen Gesellschaft mit großer Medienvielfalt geführt, weil es dadurch deutlich billiger geworden ist, Informationen zu verbreiten. Was gibt es demokratischeres als das? Das Gegenmodell hieße "Gleichschaltung", hatten wir schon.
Automating jobs away is a good thing, many others here have explained why. When I read your title, I actually expected you would be writing about how AI is "detrimental to society" because it makes mistakes that humans don't make and is therefore useless for anything serious; this, I would have had a harder time arguing against.
ok, ich trinke keine Energydrinks, die in 500ml-Dosen verkauft werden (nur S-Budget-Energy-Drinks, die es hier in Österreich bei Spar in 250ml-Dosen zu kaufen gibt); klingt so, als sollte man eher reglementieren, in welchen Packungsgrößen Energydrinks verkauft werden dürfen
reddit was once smaller than it is now too
lächerlich, wenn ich eine Tasse Kaffee und ein Glas Apfelsaft trinke, hab ich ähnlich viel Zucker und Koffein zu mir genommen wie bei einem Energydrink, nach der Logik könnte man das auch für Jugendliche verbieten
McDonald's varies wildly across countries and time periods, impossible to say without knowing when and where this happened.
to some extent I think https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/09/30/i-can-tolerate-anything-except-the-outgroup/ may be a factor
I'm from a country that borders Germany and I don't think I had any good idea who Donald Trump was before 2015. I may have heard the name at some point, but no more than that.
xkcd #3014: Arizona Chess
>Sometimes, you have to sacrifice pieces to gain the advantage. Sometimes, to advance ... you have to fall back.
xkcd #3013: Kedging Cannon
>The real key was inventing the windmill-powered winch.
xkcd #3012: The Future of Orion
>Dinosaur Cosmics
Giraffen-Nachwuchs im Tiergarten Schönbrunn
Der älteste Zoo der Welt liegt mitten in der kaiserlichen Sommerresidenz Schönbrunn in Wien. In einer einzigartigen Verbindung von Kultur und Natur entdeckt man den vielleicht schönsten Zoo der Welt. Mehr als 500, zum Teil bedrohte Tierarten, haben hier ein Zuhause und einen Überlebensraum für ihre ...
xkcd #3011: Europa Clipper
>They had BETTER make this a sample return mission.
xkcd #3010: Geometriphylogenetics
>There's a maximum likelihood that I'm doing phylogenetics wrong.
xkcd #3009: Number Shortage
>"10 minutes ago we were down to only 2 0s!" "How many do we have now?" "I ... don't know!!"
xkcd #3008: Proterozoic Rocks
>These rocks are from a time before eyes, brains, and bones, pieces of a land warmed by an unseen sun.
xkcd #3007: Probabilistic Uncertainty
>"One popular strategy is to enter an emotional spiral. Could that be the right approach? We contacted several researchers who are experts in emotional spirals to ask them, but none of them were in a state to speak with us."
xkcd #3006: Demons
>Though they do appreciate how much he improved the heating system for the flame pit.
xkcd #3005: Disposal
>We were disappointed that the rocket didn't make a THOOOONK noise when it went into the tube, but we're setting up big loudspeakers for future launches to add the sound effect.
Viele Tech-Konzerne haben ihren EU-Sitz in Irland. Dort verlangt nun der Online Safety Code verschärfte Alterskontrollen und Maßnahmen gegen
Heute in der beliebten Reihe "wie zerstören wir die Träume von John Perry Barlow und Erik Möller nach und nach" 😟
xkcd #3004: Wells
well well well, if it isn't a new xkcd
>You do have to be careful, though--sometimes, instead of water, you hit this free fuel that you can sell for a lot of money instead.
xkcd #3003: Sandwich Helix
>The number one rule of string manipulation is that you’ve got to specify your encodings.
xkcd #3002: RNAWorld
>Disney lore: Canonically, because of how Elsa's abiogenesis powers work, Olaf is an RNA-only organism.
xkcd #3001: Temperature Scales
>In my new scale, °X, 0 is Earths' record lowest surface temperature, 50 is the global average, and 100 is the record highest, with a linear scale between each point and adjustment every year as needed.
draw.io no longer libre since August 27, 2024
From today the license applied to the project will be the Apache 2.0 license with an extra line forbidding usage of the codebase as an integration or app to Atlassian's Confluence or Jira products....
draw.io no longer open source since August 27, 2024
From today the license applied to the project will be the Apache 2.0 license with an extra line forbidding usage of the codebase as an integration or app to Atlassian's Confluence or Jira products....
draw.io no longer open source since August 27, 2024
From today the license applied to the project will be the Apache 2.0 license with an extra line forbidding usage of the codebase as an integration or app to Atlassian's Confluence or Jira products....