It happened in 2022 and bounced back to 2 cents in just weeks. Trump comes back in weeks, I can see things looking better for Russia with Trump's presidency. I might be wrong, maybe the whole world is going to shit with Trump.
That pic, though: Peak American alpha males.
Could? They will, honestly.
Makes total sense as an estimation. Thank you for the insight.
I wish I could know if any cheap phone will be supported by LOS for five years at year one. It's always a gamble or a Pixel, which is not in my range anyway.
15,000? Is that density of trans people comparable to the density outside the Army?
Meet Cristóbal, the cat of the vet
In the vet's waiting room there's a warning that roughly says "Don't touch Cristobal, he can be bad sometimes". . . . Cristobal is a common name for guys in Spanish, and the warning doesn't state Cristobal is a cat. It doesn't say "don't pet" either, it just states you shouldn't touch him. My favorite part was that Cristobal can be bad only sometimes.
Or just plain Microsoft.
I mean, the popular vote means shit in the USA electoral system. Even if he didn't achieve 50%, that is only a technicality, as he got 49.9%. So, he won also the popular vote by ~2,500,000 votes, which is more impressive than 1.6 points. So I think it was a landslide in its own terms, considering the triumphs in the Senate and the House. And fuck Trump, couldn't fucking say this enough. Americans elected Trump. He is a consequence of their decisions. Own it.
I don't see it. In this case, I see basically the same since 1977, or being strict, 1998. Unless they go for just " A P P L E " next. It's, in my view, a big step to abandon a graphic for letters.
What's the reasoning behind? Or just a trend?
"Maintain the stability of the country" by not handing out power on time is an oxymoron.
You guys are really batshit crazy about war. I hope you are the first ones in the front lines. "The stars of the firing line".
I have a big orange cat. My friend just ignored his name and called him Bubastis.
Yeah. I think that's the appeal. You could just shout things and hope others would follow until a part of the auditorium would turn their heads to you. So, if someone shouted "it's an Earthquake!", and people nearby felt it and tweeted, implying it was true, everyone in the auditorium would know about it. Of course, other types of messages were send in Twitter, but most importantly, actors and robots started to use Twitter to plainly shout lies and noise.
Honestly, I'm not surprised that any organization of sports would go for this design. It's not a great or original concept to begin with. It looks like a cereal box mascot.
I know this form of opression of critical thinking. Attending to your messages I'm Russian, a Muscovite (had to google it), communist, and working for Putin. Magical logic. I'm out of here before they ban me, don't worry.
Nice logic there. Is this the same logic you used to campaign for the Democratic party? It's not a secret It didn't work.
Mud flung at Spain's king as clean up and search efforts continue in flood aftermath
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Several days after suffering the DANA consequences in Valencia, the king visit is not appreciated at all.
Check the new Power Ampache app!
second version of my popular ampache Android app. Contribute to icefields/Power-Ampache-2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Years ago, when Owncloud was still the only self hosted cloud solution around, the Music app used to come with an Ampache backend to connect to your music through client apps. My favorite for Android was Power Ampache, it was almost the only one, that and an extension for the really old Just Player. After a while, a Subsonic server was added to the Music app and these Subsonic clients proliferated. So, I switched to a Subsonic client, then another, and another... none was really doing it for me. DSub is great but looks dated and lacks some features, others are not mature enough, and some I just find too barebones.
Recently, Power Ampache 2 was released, and even though it's still in beta or even alpha, it already looks great and my favorite client again. Check it out if you have an Ampache server or a Nextcloud instance with music!
How to update to Nobara 39 if transaction test errors arise
So, I was having a hard time trying to update Nobara 38 to Nobara 39. Did the KDE swap, followed the website instructions to upgrade but in the last part, after:
$sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=39 -y
I'd get:
Error: Transaction test error:
file /usr/lib64/ conflicts between attempted installs of noopenh264-0.1.0~openh264_2.3.1-2.fc39.x86_64 and openh264-2.3.1-2.fc39.x86_64
Tried several solutions to this without success but noticed it's just that two packages in the upgrade are trying to write the same file. My solution was to just disable the openh264 Cisco repo for the upgrade with:
$sudo dnf config-manager --set-disabled fedora-cisco-openh264
You can do this also in the Diskover preferences.
After disabling the Cisco repo you can proceed with:
$sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=39 -y
$sudo system-upgrade reboot
Then, after a successful upgrade, go to Diskover > Preferences and enable (check) the fedora_cisco_openh264 repo. Finally, do perform a system update with Nobara update tool. Install whatever it tells you it's missing and then you are done.
Figured I'd share this here since the threads in Reddit don't show any clear fix to the problem. Hope someone can use it.
Rulfo's reprimands are serious business!
You guys seem to think my boy is all cute when he is angry, but he's some kind of monster of the week from the X-Files when he's scolding at my face! Here is proof.
One millisecond before a scold
So, Rulfo (aka Chochi) had been following me all over the house meowing loudly at me for like half an hour. I sat on the table, he followed me of course. Sat right next to me and continued meowing at my face. This is he, an instant before one of his reprimands.
How do you feel about financing a genocide?
I didn't want to direct this question to Americans specifically because, at this point, other countries have shown support to Israel in one or the other way. If my country was financing this, I would be taking the streets. Shit, I'm right now in the hospital but all I can think about is protesting anyway just to feel I did something to stop this madness.
Are you doing something about this? Are you feeling unsettled? How do you feel about all this mess?
EDIT: So, buying Chinese stuff takes the USS Gerald Ford to Gaza’s coast. Also, TIL that that chocolate my cousin gave me when she was 20 and I was 5, (delicious stuff!) made me a slavist-ish. The fact remains, this genocide is being paid and supported by taxpayers money; of course, I was hoping that most of us didn’t pay taxes wishing for this. Thank you all for your responses, some of them were hard to swallow.