that new pack is owned by the cat, it was free anyway 🤷
i'ld rather press shift-tab, go to steam library, push stop and then the uninstall button 😉
uff, wie macht das einer ohne techn. Background?
ja, das lässt sich vei asymmetrischer Kryptographie ja nicht wirklich verhindern, ohne un-/vertrauenswzrdige Dritte einzuschalten..
Im Prinzip gibts da m.E nur zwei Dinge, die sowohl wichtig, als auch ggf schwierig sein können für Anwender:
- beim setup den backup key auch wirklich richtig aufschreiben und gut verschlossen und tatsächlich in 5 jahren später wiederfindbar aufbewahren. (ich mache gerne vorher auch immer noch einen test mit dem aufgeschriebenen key auf einem anderen handy, um sicher zu gehen.)
- sessions immer validieren, gar nicht erst anfangen, mit unverifizierten leuten zu chatten.
vielleicht sollte dazu mal jemand ein video machen?
Das ist der Matrose Martin Matri aus Maastrich, der möchte mit dem Matrix Messenger App Element auf seinem Handy seiner Frau Martina Matri, die den messenger SchildiChat nutzt und im Urlaub auf dem Festland in Estland ist, eine Nachricht schreiben ...
oder im Maussendungsstil?
... dann muss er Martina die Hälfte der bei ihm angezeigten Emojis nennen, und sie prüft, ob er das auch richtig macht, dann macht sie umgekehrt das gleiche mit der anderen Hälfte. Klingt ein bischen komisch, ist aber so!
bei Familie, oder grundsätzlich Endnutzer sehe ich vor Allem Probleme beim Erklären des key handshakes und dem damit einhergehenden Thema Backup key und alte Nachrichten behalten, wenn man den messenger wechselt oder das handy verliert etc. für den Fall und für Familien könnten auch direkt unverschlüsselte 1:1 chats auf dem eigenen Server einen guten Kompromiss darstellen, wodurch viel der Komplexität dann für den Endanwender verschwinden dürfte, während die familiäre Privatsphäre halt durch den eigenen server bewahrt würde.
ich glaube schildichat für den desktop schaue ich mir auch mal an. für den browser scheint schildichat auch gut zu gehen, aber:
"SchildiChat Web is not optimized for use on small screens with touch input We advise you to use the native apps"
was that the one bat that ate a human in 2019 causing the pandemic ? 🤔 *ggg
da ich einen matrix server aufgesetzt habe, habe ich einerseits zum testen einen account auf, einen auf einem ebenfalls frei registrierbaren anderen server sowie mehrere accounts auf meinem eigenen und andererseits gleich drei apps dazu auf meinem (haupt- lol) handy:
- schildichat
- element
- fluffychat
für desktoptests hatte ich element in nextcloud installiert
meine tests betrafen hauptsächlich videochat 1:1 (TURN) sowie videokonferenz über jitsi, chats initiieren (key handshake) und text/bilder/sound/videos übermitteln ging mit allen untereinander, teils war aber zb nur der emoji-check möglich und nichts anderes.
fluffychat finde ich vor allem gut, weil der direkt multiaccountfähig ist, da steht zwar "beta" dran an multiaccountfeature, geht aber fluffig.
nachstbeste finde ich schildichat, ist einfacher zu bedienen, man kann nur einen account einrichten, aber für Anwender ist das besser.
die element app ist der platzhirsch, aber der kann auch nur einen account haben und mir gefällt fluffychat besser.
fluffy und schildichat können beide universal push mindestens über ntfy, element weiss ich grad nicht, ob das ging.
für desktop hatte ich nur element nextcloud versucht, da war mir negativ aufgefallen, dass ich da bei jedem einloggen den cryptokey des clients neu eingeben musste, was zwar logisch ist, sonst müsste der ja im browsercache oder in der nextcloud DB im klartext liegen (oder ich hab da was übersehen 🤷 ) und die jitsi integration ging zwar einfach, liess aber fand ich zu dem Zeitpunkt ein paar privatsphärenfragen offen, da ein bestimmter server genutzt wurde, den man nicht per gui ändern konnte. Aber ich habe keine anderen matrix desktop clients ausprobiert, für einen jitsi konferenztest brauchte ich nur meine zwei handies und einen weiteren client, da bei nur zwei teilnehmern dann automatisch 1:1 video über TURN genutzt wird anstatt jitsi.
i'ld say thats not really a surprise IF you have a system that helps criminals to thrive while it tries hard to always put innocent to jail instead and prevent real investigations for the truth, thats at least how i see it.
Below are some links to related "last week tonight"s from YT.
Plz tell me if thats just a show full of lies or if that terror is real in poor underdeveloped 3rd world US: (i might have linked videos not too bad, but i think i was horrified by the outcomes of those linked)
Wrongful convictions
Migrant crime
Crime Reporting
School police
Police interrogations
death investogations
forensic science
update: fixed broken link, added titles
battery management in linux has always been awesome: run only needed services, dont abuse resources more than needed. under linux laptops battery always lasted way longer during usage (standby should be the same,right? eh, except for apples crapbooks - see below) than the tests running windows. one thing that i could not compare directly (didnt do that test) is that on linux laptops batteries lasted long-term seemingly way longer than those of roughly same time bought windows machines but those were used by others so i could not really tell for real.
however the superflous systemd bugware changed with the tradition of not needlessly exhaust resources after beeing forced by some entity into lots of distributions, but systemd is not linux and you can use linux without superflous resourcedepleting crap like that.
however i am not a user who needs standby or uses hibernate and i completely dislike screen savers like reducing brightness or turning off monitors "after a while". luckily i use linux and can set such settings as i want AND they also work as configured (see crapbook fuckups below). for security reasons i lock my linux screen when i need to, otherwise it runs on the brightness i set while i use it, same on battery or not, wether battery low or full.
i luckily cannot compare current windows act-as-if-windows-was-powersaving as i haven't administrated one of those malware-distribution-platforms from microsoft for ages.
at work i have to use a crappy apple macbook and battery management is a full -10 (minus!) hell (out of 0-10 points) there:
- shutdown does not always really shutdown even if the display is already off, causing full battery depletion during weekend with a "shutoff" system wheee!
- after real shutdown closing the lid sometimes boots the crapbook pro again m(
- closing the lid should cause standby, but doesn't always (but you cannot know as the lid is closed and opening it should stop the standby again) also causing full bettery depletion without having a way to "really" prevent it.
- minutelong monitor-recalibration-flickering after monitor-only-standby (forced by company settings) during mandatory-when-leaving-seat screen lock lasts as long as i consider it an impediment causing useless amounts of overall-energy be drained (mine, that of the companies office lights and heating, the monitors as well as the battery usage during minute-long just-re-starting-the-fucking-monitors which is usually instant under linux)
- also crapbooks beeing actual office heaters as hot as one does not want to touch any more dont 'manage' batteries, they just drain them, luckily my work crapbook didnt have 'that' bug yet but hundreds of other bugs seemingly enough for its own youtube channel about work impediments presented by (cr)apple, also draining "my" energy much more than needed as well as making work progress as slower causing (bot only) the battery life to be less effective. crapbooks battery management alone is worth naming the whole thing a "crap"book.
linux power and battery management works just fine for me, no hassle, does what it should and what i need =)
the linked page about TLP shows more how to install it than what it does, only the thing about not fully charging the battery could be helpful, but is not what i want to use right now, but thanks for the information that it exists ;-)
just learn how dogs (wolfs) are organised and learn the meaning of who eats exactly when. mystery (s|w)olved ;-)
i see a blue rectangle left to "users", so yes i see blue color 😉
but i'ld rather disagree, ceo's usually are instinct driven hunter/gatherers for boni i.e., they don't "care" , because "caring" assumes actions that help something grow or at least stay available but ceo's usually destroy along their way while hunting or taking no matter if that destroys the company, the market, country or even the whole planet. no, ceo's don't "care", they consume and create chaos meanwhile. caring is not what they do.
only that marketing doesn't stop the leak, the patch is rather placed on the camera lense in this analogy, not on the leaking object.
well, before that and for generations, banks printing money was an acceptable way of governments to make rich people richer and all others poorer, so i can fully accept that stealing was learned from govs and the richies there. change how "the successfull" accomplish their successes and you can teach the kids how to live without stealing, keep abuse by gov and richies as is and all the theft is done exactly as ordered by govs and richies, no matter the age.
i would try printing the filter part as a flat surface (without retractions) directly on the printer bed (only 3 layers maybe) and bend it later to become a tube ( like a "C") i am not sure about petg, i did this bending with pla. hot water comes in handy and maybe a glas bottle. also prepare something to tighten where the ends of the C connect, a border without the small filter holes but some larger holes for something like cable ties or even a printed part for connecting the C edges.
klingt mir nach Propaganda.. oder nach Interregiosimulator mit ausgeschalteter crash detection *lol
after was such a success, i guess something like wifi-hotspot as a service should exist somewhere too
hm, without adding "new" hardware you say?
- add an old wifi stick
- add an old raspberry pi 1
- stick the stick into the berry
- add hostapd package to berry
- add old ethernet calble and connect berry with the switch in the picture
- configure hostapd to mimic a wifi hotspot (thus its not "added", just mimic'ed)
- configure routing, nat, dns and dhcp server (wlan side) on berry
- configure dhcp client on berry for lan side
- use an old cable tie to tie things together so it becomes "one piece"
- connect the switch with another old ethernet cable to your neighbours internet router
tadaaa !!! turned into wifi hotspot without added hardware beeing "new"
to me all sudo features make absolutely sense (except for too loose wildcard handling), also from a security point of view. if you dislike how its 'default' settings for your distro are like, change them to your needs or seek a distro that fits your needs. other way is dont use sudo, login as root directly, nothing hinders you (maybe your distros default setup that does not assume root login, then you'ld have to give root a password maybe) or write your own sudo alike security system if you like.
if you dislike security at all, do everything directly as root (also web browsing), put nopasswd foe your user into your sudoers file or go to puppy linux (afair there is only the root user and thus no boundary between user and root) but as soon as you encounter any Problems related to user-was-also-root, you 'might' have wanted such features ... afterwards then ;-)
simple reasons to let the user input his password before running things with higher privileges:
- trigger the user to start the brian activity called 'thinking' before beeing allowed to go on.
- user uses a webbrowser that could be RCE'd by some webpage to execute a shell then running anything as root on your machine.
"De-escalation through escalation"
> The big picture: Israeli officials said their increasing attacks against Hezbollah are not intended to lead to war but are an attempt to reach "de-escalation through escalation."
Buy a Ford, get a spionage vehicle instead.
Looks like Ford just voted to NOT be my choice of car vendor in future.
However getting this patent could be used by Ford to prevent such systems from beeing used by all vendors, but thats veery unlikely i guess.
Deutsche Telekom and their interpretation of their security obligations when beeing a public CA
ASSIGNED (Arnold.Essing) in CA Program - CA Certificate Compliance. Last updated 2024-07-19.
looks like:
- They claimed to be a trustworthy public CA (that can handle security incidents)
- They made commitments to be included as trustworthy in common Browsers and OS'es
- They now willfully break those commitments to rely on 2B2F only...
- They do not even answer valid questions for month in a process that they should have already completed within 5 days as was defined in the commitments they agreed upon.
Maybe Honest Achmed's Used Cars and Certificates should show up again once more !?