Vignettes were phased out in 2003, mate. You don't need one.
I don't even like or watch regular trailers. Poster and synopsis is good enough.
That rule only applies to shops that are inside train stations owned by the offical rail company. Doesn't apply to any other shops.
Don't ask me why.
Same in Switzerland. Most of Europe I'd assume.
Es wurde gefragt warum sich auch der Klamotten kauf zum Onlinehandel verschiebt. Kein Punkt ... nur die Frage beantwortet.
Aber wenn du meinen Kommentar noch einmal genauer durchliest, wird dir auffallen, dass der Umweltaspekt nicht mein Hauptargument war, sondern eher eine Randbemerkung, weil es den meisten Menschen sowieso egal ist.
Jo, war auch überhaupt nicht mein Punkt, aber nur zu erwähnen das kostenlose Rücksendungen heute üblich sind, reicht anscheinend um nur downvotes und okö-Kommentare zu bekommen.
You wanna get high?
Rückversand ist a. schlechter für die Umwelt
Ob es wirklich schlechter für die Umwelt ist als wenn jeder mit seinem Auto Kleiderkaufen fährt, würde ich jetzt ausm Bauch raus anzweifeln.
Bei den meisten hast du mittlerweile kostenlosen Rückversand, also was nicht passt oder gefällt kann man einfach zurück schicken.
I got this one:
combined with a usb-c to micro b-ss cable so I can directly plug it into an usb-c port (it ships with an usb-A connector only).
USB 3.0 speed is around 50x faster than the read/write speed of the HDDs, so it's not an issue.
Heck, streaming services are dirty cheap these days and if you can’t pay 10€ or so per month, well, you’re cheap.
Yeah, it's not about the money. The amount I spent on my personal media server could sign me up for almost every streaming services in existance ... for a decade or so.
But piracy doesn’t feel right towards content creators
I agree .. when it's like a indie creator with a few thousand youtube followers or something. I like patreon for that (and spending way too much on that, too).
But if the creators are like hollywood millionaires or studios run by massive corporations? Well, fuck'em! Hell, I wish piracy was actually stealing so I could actually financially hurt them.
You wait till it explodes and check the NDDS.
Why is that joke country even there?
Oder Klimaaktivisten würden in Deutschland eine Pipeline sprengen
Das ist jetzt eher unrealistisch. Pipelines haben ja tatsächlich was mit dem Klima zu tun und sind keine Kunstwerk oder Monument.
It’s imperative that they stick to it.
Die Stadt heißt eben “XYZ” das mit “Abc” zu lokalisieren weil… Baum, ist Mist.
Hab vor ein paar Jahren A Song of Ice and Fire gelesen, zuerst auf Deutsch. Bis ich dann zum Theon Graufreud kam, dann habs ichs weggelegt und es mir auf Englisch bestellt.
Das erinnert mich an einen Hinweis in Teams vor einer Weile: “Nachbestellung hier”.
"Ganztägig kostenlos".
Ich hab kein Computerspiel auf Deutsch mehr gespielt seit sie in Command & Conquer Tiberian Dawn die Soldaten für die Deutsche Version in Cyborgs geändert haben.
Federation with is delayed by 12-24h
It's not broken, posts and comments will eventually sync but we're up to a day behind. It makes it impossible to interact with any of these communities in a meaningful way.
Another Zoropsis spinimana that had to be evicted from my home.
A female this time, pretty sure it's gravid. Probably the biggest one I've seen so far.
And yeah, I have a very shitty phone/camera. Sorry for that.
The Spiders in Your Yard - The Goldenrod Crab Spider
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Classifying and Identifying Spiders - Spider Basics EP4
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8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown S26E02 (26 July 2024)
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Request for being a moderator of c/spiders
I don't really want to, but it doesn't have any mods currently.
I have some expertise with spiders and would rather stick to doing just IDs, but since there is no mod maybe it's good to have a contingency plan in case some spam turns up ... or to delete the classic "it's a brown recluse" comment ... when it's any brown spider.
But I'm happy to concede to anyone else that actually wants to be a mod.
What Is A Spider? Spider Basics: Beyond the Eight Legs, Episode 1
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Anime newbie looking for suggestions
I watched "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" a few weeks ago which is probably my first proper anime (not counting the odd episode of Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon or OnePiece I caught on TV as a child) and I really enjoyed it.
Especially the slow but deep character build up and general world building and exploration themes were really captivating. So I'm looking for something similar with focus on these aspects.
So far I found "Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina", which was ok but didn't quite live up to Frieren and wasn't nearly as captivating.
So does anyone know similar shows or at least shows that focus on the aspects of story telling I mentioned avove?