Calmly compiling a software
- Image : https://wallhaven.cc/w/2e8mlx
- Terminal: Konsole+my own theme
- Plasma: Spectrum Classic Dark
- Cursor: BreezeX Black
- Windows border: https://github.com/matinlotfali/KDE-Rounded-Corners
- Btop default theme
- Panel: KDE Panel+Application title bar widget
Loving Tuxedo OS!
KDE Theme - Catppuccin Frappe Colors & Window Decorations
Spotify (Spicetify) Theme - Text (Catppuccin Latte)
Discord (Vencord) Theme - Catppuccin Frappe
FastFetch - Edited version from LierB
Icons - Papirus + Papirus-Folders Catppuccin Frappe Flamingo
Firefox Theme - Catppuccin Frappe Flamingo + Tabliss new tab page.
Wallpaper - Link
c-squares: render squares in the terminal window
written in the C language will render random coloured rectangulars in the terminal, while the font, speed, density, color, ratio and number of the shapes drawn are fully costumizable.Every time a rectangular is complete, a new one starts to take shape.
--- Feel free to explore the endless variations.
Dracula + Vaporwave = Perfection
- OS: NixOS
- WC: Sway
- Theme: Dracula ---
- Terminal: foot
- Editor: Neovim
- Fetch: Hyfetch
- Browser: Mullvad Browser; Links2 ---
- Hardware: ThinkPad T480s
Pretty basic KDE!
We don't usually use a transparent terminal, but I didn't want to cover up the 「霜の狼」 on the desktop. :3
I drew the wallpaper myself, of myself!
This is our laptop. Our desktop is pretty similar but can't use a sidebar dock, since it's got screens to the left and right.
-- Frost
I started a small repo to curate scripts and programs that produce terminal art
github.com GitHub - mcthomas/awesome-terminal-art: Scripts or programs that produce static or dynamic terminal emulator visualsScripts or programs that produce static or dynamic terminal emulator visuals - mcthomas/awesome-terminal-art
Who needs Wallpaper engine when you have Raylib
Made the kinda constellation animation you see sometimes in the backgrounds of things.
(surprisingly easy on resources given the O(n2) complexity
My minimal Void setup
Why River over Hyprland?
- Stable
- Faster
- Tag system - I was dwm user on x, so it felt comfy.
- Minimal - I don't like rounded corners or confusing animations
- Distro: Void
- WM: River
- Bar: Waybar
- Fonts: JetBrains Mono
- Symbols and icons: Nerd Font Symbols
- GTK-theme: adw-gtk3
- Icons: Papirus Dark
- Image Viewer: imv
- Media Player: mpv
- Notification daemon: mako
- Terminal foot
- Shell: zsh
- Editor: neovim
- Calendar: Calcure
- Filemanager: Yazi
- Launcher bemenu
Dots: https://github.com/bitterhalt/dots-river
Tokyo Night themed NixOS setup
This setup is a result of months of learning about NixOS and tinkering. There is always something more to polish but I'm at a point where I'm actually satisfied.
!Screenshot of desktop with floating terminal window and sway notification center
!Screenshot of desktop with tiled firefox and terminal emulator running btop windows