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Prepare to Resist Nougat

Arizona immigrants fear return to mass arrests as state passes ‘secure our border’ act Arizona immigrants fear return to mass arrests as state passes ‘secure our border’ act

A generation of Arizonans revolted against hardline immigration policies and won important battles. This year, the state voted to bring those policies back

Arizona immigrants fear return to mass arrests as state passes ‘secure our border’ act

There are going to be people who could use whatever help you are able to provide, especially if you are in the Southwest US.

  • Immigration status is irrelevant

Whether someone is a natural-born US citizen, a naturalized US citizen, a non-citizen with legal status, or an undocumented non-citizen, these arrest and deportation efforts are going to scoop up people who don't "look" right, and who are not immediately able to prove citizenship to someone who is probably not at all trained to recognize whether someone is a citizen or not.

  • What you can do

Make a space in your home for guests. Make sure that you have proof of citizenship or legal status (a passport is best). Help people you know to do the same. Build a little support network, be observant, be patient.