Was actually pretty interesting. I tried to let black get to an evaluation depth of 24 most of the time. White I just pushed whatever pawn it picked, except one time I took a free bishop and it was evaluated as a game losing blunder, so yeah engine definitely can't handle this properly. Most of the time black just scooted around its own side, but it occasionally sacrificed a piece that messed up the pawn structure and let it take 2 or 3 total. The king also danced around preventing promotion and ended up capturing like 5 pawns himself. The wall was simply too much to handle though and as soon as the king was pushed out of the corner it was mate in 15.
Of course not. You only lose if the king is captured. White is smart and kept their king absconded away in a secret underground bunker, while black foolishly has their king on the battlefield, where he can be captured or killed.