No, not having any money to buy food and pay rent is a real problem, no matter what your mental state is or how you choose to think about it, much less anybody else.
Oh, 100% true. The logic behind the God of the Bible doing this to forgive our sins is asinine. Some good moral stories from the Gospels (some bad), but the story itself is the product of its time and place, not anything divine. I only didn't insist that in the title because it wasn't the focus of the thought.
An analogy to humans from chapter 11, is a transfer of their soul to new owners, where the potential new owners were already predetermined for such a condition. The reason is usually extreme sickness, but by transferring shares to cancel debts, future sustainability becomes possible. This process is a punishment over the management/sentience/brain of the body which becomes controlled by agents it was originally intended to be subordinate to management discretion. These agents usually trigger the takeover, and chapter 11 is a delay tactic to negotiate with them.
This does not seem comparable to any Jesus mythology.
It's worth mentioning that in Luke, the earliest Gospel, there was originally no mention of Jesus appearing to anyone after his death.. The women went to the tomb, found it empty, a man dressed in white announced that Jesus had risen, and the women went away, too afraid to tell anyone what they had seen.