Then tonight we dine in anxiety!
205 names?
This is why we can be included in the cuddle puddle, even if we are the big dumb cat.
I know that the need to create this word isn't awesome, but it's got to feel pretty good to have coined a word that is almost instantly in everyone's vocabulary.
Good lord that was depressing. Well written, but dark.
Bavarian tobacco pipe, might be a good search term.
Subject aside, this picture disgusts me. I'm not sure why, but I hate it.
Also, it's about time we rolled back harmful regulation over the food industry. Who knows why we ever instituted them in the first place? /S
We've said we'll attack of they ever try to prosecute.
Was this an unintentiona I-made-my-own-still poisoning?
Should give them some sort of back profit from the museum.
Idk about social services in other places, but I had a buddy that was a social worker. His caseload was something like eight times higher than it should have been. Trying to get in touch weekly with people who don't want to see you. You can try to prioritize to the best of your knowledge, but there's only so much you can do.
Life is cruel and pointless.
I'm not sure I appreciate the word hurdles there.
what's a good gray bag?
Ideally, it be able to hold some weight and a pistol. I'm thinking something along the lines of a sling bag or daypack.
I've picked my first lock, where do I get more?
I've picked a master lock (3 I believe). I also picked all the little cylinders that came with the lockpicks I ordered. Sparrow progressive. I even respinned one... Mostly due to accident.
Where do I get more locks? I think I just need the cylinders. What are these called? Where do I buy them from? I'm mostly looking for cheap and they don't have to have a practical purpose. I'm just wanting to pick them for kicks.
I've seen countless posts about the tankie problem here in the lemmyverse
I'm not sure I've seen any evidence of it existing though, is it just a Boogeyman, or so something that happened a while back? An in joke of some sort?
light for carry pistol?
Does anyone have any suggestions for a light? I'm not even a thousand percent sold that I need one, but what should I be looking for?
How many actually edc a ccw?
I'm in the process of getting licensed, and have been thinking about this topic a good bit.
inoffensive gun YouTube?
Sometimes the dog whistles get a little loud for my taste?
Oh, podcasts would be great too!
Well, hell...o /r/liberalgunowners
I guess someone has to be the first to say: hello world. Here's to hoping for an inclusive home for some special snowflakes.