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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Five Companies Produce Nearly 25 Percent of All Plastic Waste Worldwide
  • Yeah keep believing that we will magically collectively wake up one day and we'll all decide to stop using whatever new crap they shove down our throats. We'll probably hold hands and sing under a rainbow as well.

    In the meantime, I'll keep working on getting people to understand orders of magnitudes and responsibility when it comes to pollution, to get them to vote in favour of policies that help prevent abuse from corpos, and encourage them to take individual actions as well.

  • Five Companies Produce Nearly 25 Percent of All Plastic Waste Worldwide
  • What about the facts that Exxon, Total or Shell knew about climate change 50 years ago and lied about it ever since ? Or the fact that the tobacco industry knew about the effects of cigarettes and lied about it ? Or the sugar industry knowing about obesity and addiction issues and lied about it ? Or that the plastic industry forged the lies about recycling and the issues plastics would cause globally, and lied about it ?

    These corporations lied, bribed politicians, and lobbied worldwide against accountability and regulation.

    And they marketed how good their shit was for people to consume and abuse. We had ads about how good asbestos filter cigarettes were better for you for fuck's sake.

    I'm sorry but these facts completely invalidate your point.

    Yes we should be smarter about the way we consume, but we're being brainwashed by the same people profiteering from selling us garbage that thrashes the planet and our health.

    And that can only come from sensible and strong regulations and accountability towards corporations.

  • What really are the flaws of allowing anyone to euthanize themselves or relatives like we do sick animals?
  • For assisted suicide, I think you just need to make sure it's the only option left to stop or prevent the suffering of a person (like an incurable disease, or debilitating conditions with no cure, etc.). You also need to make sure the choice is made with enlightened consent.

    To allow someone to kill someone else is another level of complexity. The processes of gathering consent, and the reasons to proceed are extremely complex to make sure the decision is taken within the bounds of actual consent, especially if the person to be killed is not conscious or in a capacity to understand.

  • Five Companies Produce Nearly 25 Percent of All Plastic Waste Worldwide
  • It's the same argument as fossil fuels or carbon footprint, etc. We're all to blame, and we all need to act on our level, but it's a drop in the ocean compared to the damage big companies do.

    The same companies that buy news networks and politicians to skew public opinion in their favour.

  • Five Companies Produce Nearly 25 Percent of All Plastic Waste Worldwide
  • Rejecting the blame on individuals is exactly what these industrial complexes have been doing for decades. Governments need to get their shit together and force the industrials to handle the whole lifecycle of their goddamn garbage.

  • US vetoes another UN Security Council resolution seeking Gaza ceasefire
  • I've never pretended that I'd singlehandedly solve the conflict, but it's now very clear that the people who have the power to stop the ongoing massacre pretty much instantly, openly choose not to.
    A long term solution is also obviously out of reach for roughly the same reason.

  • Peekaboo


    Drama beans


    Affaire des dîners

    En voyant cette affaire remonter, je suis sérieusement en train de me poser la question sur l'issue des élections législatives.

    On a entendu parler de la victoire du RN à l'assemblée pour montrer à la population à quel point ils sont incompétents, ce qui entraînera leur défaite aux présidentielles de 2027.

    Avec l'affaire des dîners, est ce qu'on ne serait pas en réalité dans ce genre de scénario mais avec le NFP plutôt que le RN ?

    Pour l'instant, on a un président qui refuse de reconnaître la victoire (même si elle est mineure) du NFP, une coalition qui ne se fera probablement pas, un gouvernement pas encore formé et un premier ministre à qui on a refusé la démission.

    Le même président qui dîne (lui ou ses laquais, pas vraiment de différence) chez un bourgeois fraudeur multi récidiviste, avec des membres de la droite et de l'extrême droite, pour apparemment, "faire connaissance".

    Avec la machine de propagande bourgeoise qu'on a pu voir en action, toutes ces choses-là vont être récupérées et utilisées contre la gauche à un moment donné.

    Si le bilan du NFP est mitigé, soit par une éventuelle incompétence, soit par les bâtons dans les roues qu'ils auront pris, en 2027, leurs chances de remporter les élections seront très probablement nulles.

    Est ce que je fais de la paranoïa ou ce scénario semble plausible ?


    Sleepy head




    Way to the bathroom




    Princess Fluffybutt First of Her Name


    Hidey hole


    Noodle bones


    Which side is she laying on? Yes.


    Sick drip


    Belly rubs were given


    Asking for belly rubs






    Floating head


    Canary Wharf from Tower Bridge


    Loaf in a loafer


    Belly sunning
