War auch kein sehr gutes Beispiel - aber nichtsdestoweniger ist ein Krankenhaus nicht für die komplette Versorgung zuständig, sondern nur im Krankheitsfall, wenn es erforderlich ist. Ein Anrecht auf Unterbringung dort besteht sonst nicht. Das war mein Punkt. Und wenn jemand gegenüber dem Personal aggressiv wird, kann sie Grenze zur Straftat eben überschritten werden, und dann erübrigt sich eigentlich jede Diskussion. Wenn der Sicherheitsdienst dann deeskaliert, ist das nett von ihm. Wenn mich als Personal jemand angeht, während alles ausgelastet ist, wäre kein Verständnis wohl auch sehr gering.
Übrigens: auch Obdachlosenheime werfen Menschen raus, die gegen die Regeln dort verstoßen.
Im zweiten Fall ruft man den Sicherheitsdienst, der ist genau dafür da (wenn auch leider nicht ausgebildet).
Der dann was macht? Meine Vermutung: die Leute rausschmeißen.
Ein Krankenhaus ist halt kein Obdachlosenheim. Die können nicht dafür geradestehen müssen, dass an anderer Stelle (ist meine jetzt nicht die Betroffenen) geschlampt wurde und nicht genug Plätze bereitstehen.
Wenn jemand bei mir in die Wohnung einbricht, lasse ich den ja auch nicht bei mir wohnen, nur weil es draußen kalt ist.
Heute ohne Toiletten.
Die digitalen Anzeigen sind Abfahrten, nicht Ankünfte; und die Abfahrten auf Papier bleiben. Ankunftspläne zeigen, wann der Zug wo ankommt und wo er herkommt; das ist eher sinnvoll für Leute, die andere am Bahnhof abholen.
Statt "ICE YYY nach Berlin 13:55" steht da halt "ICE YYY aus Frankfurt 13:50". Meistens nur begrenzt sinnvoll. Deshalb gibt's die auch nicht digital
It's not only adding one character, which is also probably why this doesn't have a proper alias. Before, it was a single package providing multiple fonts; now, it's an attribute set providing multiple packages, providing one font each, with the name changed from before (in my case "SourceCodePro" became "sauce-code-pro")
Kind of, it uses QtWebEngine. At least that's the dependency on my system
No, it doesn't have an alias. From https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/nixos-unstable-small/pkgs/top-level/aliases.nix#L855
nerdfonts = throw "nerdfonts has been separated into individual font packages under the namespace nerd-fonts"; # Added 2024-11-09
It would also only make limited sense because the package definition has changed so that aliasing nerdfonts to nerd-fonts would still break if you chose individual fonts.
You will only see the changes after your <nixpkgs>
has been updated (which for you is still the nixpkgs state of a week ago), so not right now. Or maybe this option was always there? I don't know and I'm tired. Anyhow, when unstable gets updated and your evaluation complains not finding the package, you know where to look ;)
nixos-unstable{,-small} are both rolling NixOS channels. The difference between them are the requirements for updates. Both need a specific set of packages to build successful and pass the tests on hydra, the central build server. The jobset for nixos-unstable is https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined if I'm not mistaken; nixos-unstable-small is https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/unstable-small. Small, as the name implies, has a smaller jobset.
That's also the reason I had to rebuild so many packages: while unstable provides most (I think all redistributable ones), nixos-unstable-small only builds a subset of packages like the kernel, coreutils etc (I don't actually know what constitutes it exactly); and the packages it didn't build, you can't download, which means if you have others installed, you need to build them yourself. It happen automatically, NixOS is a source-based distribution after all and binary packages are just substitutions, but this was a bit of a pitfall.
Edit: By the way, to get the new names of the fonts I did something like this:
$ nix repl
nix-repl> :l <nixpkgs>
nix-repl> nerd-fonts.
Don't hit enter after the dot, but rather press TAB to make the REPL show you the available packages inside that set. The nix-repl>
doesn't need to be entered, just signifies that this is no longer in your normal shell, but inside the REPL.
Funnily, Konqueror is the first app out of the four to get adopted
NixOS changes as of today
I just upgraded my NixOS machine after switching to nixos-unstable-small because I think unstable will take some time to update as getting 24.11 out has the highest priority.
Anyhow, two of my packages stopped me from applying a new configuration, as some packages have been changed when reorganizing into pkgs/by-name
. I fixed it and wanted to share as this will hit others running unstable with these packages as soon as hydra catches up.
nerdfonts (now nerd-fonts)
Package was renamed, which it will state on evaluation; individual fonts are now part of the nerd-fonts
attribute. I had Source Code Pro in there, there was some kind of mapping, which looked kind of like in https://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/Fonts#Installing_specific_fonts_from_nerdfonts – the new way is now to just use nerd-fonts.sauce-code-pro
directly, you can probably do something like ++ with nerd-fonts; [ sauce-code-pro other-fonts ]
to add multiple nerd-fonts to your fonts list, but I haven't tested this.
Until now, cores were specified as in https://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/RetroArch, however override doesn't seem to work anymore. There's now the withCores
attribute / function that expects a function that returns a list. The easiest way I found to just specify a fixed list of cores was (retroarch.withCores (_: with libretro; [ snes9x mupen64plus fbneo flycast ]))
. Maybe other options are easier / cleaner.
Word of warning on compiling nixos-unstable-small
There are currently a lot of packages to be built if you change into that channel (I'm using flakes, but you get my point). Due to the default value of auto
for nix.settings.max-jobs
, this meant nix tried to build 24 derivations at the same time. This is fine if these are just downloaded from hydra, but if you try to build 24 big derivations at the same time, each trying to use 24 threads because nix.settings.cores
is also 0 by default, which means all threads, build processes quickly ate all of my 32GB of RAM so that the OOM killer had to intervene, however often too late with my system dying. I recommend to set nix.settings.max-jobs
to something more reasonable before attempting this (I used 1).
And their newest feature is allowing every user to put in their credit card info and buy MS products on the company domain without running it by IT. It’s called “self service”, enabled by default, and you have to click on a slider to disable it individually for every. single. product. Microsoft. offers.
LMAO that is a special kind of pathetic
Because Ukraine isn't a proxy and neither is Russia.
Maybe this was a localization thing, but interestingly, the game at one point kind of calls you a god (translated and from memory: "you are what humans call a god"). There are also multiple elements in the game that have religious themes: the protagonist's name, Ark, which I always linked to the story of Noah, as it's Ark bringing life to a world that was destroyed, death and rebirth etc. (possibly even thrice, the ending is ambiguous) - also the game is somewhat "anachronistic" to say the least. Also the translation of the Japanese title is roughly "creation of Heaven and Earth".
While the game is technically a bit flawed, story- and presentation-wise it's probably one of my favorites of all time. The subtly eerie setup with everything (e.g. the jingle presenting the acts' titles), man's "emancipation" from nature / Gaia, which arguably caused the catastrophe in the first place, the weird encounters - absolutely fantastic in my opinion.
If I had a different specialisation, I'd probably care. But my job is mostly reading and writing documents, and they installed Miktex on my office machine, so I don't want to complain.
We do have formal security requirements to meet though, and I think in general locking down machines in your network is the correct choice. But it's probably not needed in every job
Their higher-end models seem of nice build quality at least, but that's something I just expect at a certain price point.
Linux isn't even an option at my current job, it's WSL if anything. And that on the development machines only. Office work machines are Win 10 without any privileges, which I'm fine with. Employer pays for the time I take longer for certain things. His choice.
Unfortunately, there aren't that many great European options, so buying somewhat domestic is hard.
Ah, okay. I do have thinkpads for work, same at my previous employer, I'd say they're pretty forgettable, not sure I'd buy Lenovo for anything that needs to be particularly secure, just read the English wiki entry for Lenovo about security incidents, but I'd be more careful when procuring for work, especially in certain fields.
Evo 2024 finals
Watched the Game Finals today, excellent match with unexpected characters. In fact I was most surprised at the total lack of Goldlewis players in top 6.
Looking forward to season 4