A shit monitoring balls?
Poland: Just a regular training, nothing to worry about
Idk if it's a solid tip, but you can look for someone interested taking your place and when you find one - just leave this place
I started using Internet in 2004 (as a school kid) so i didn't actually experience modem Internet era, but still i miss it (i'm kind of nostalgia guy as well)
Especially in Poland, where for a long time there was only dial-up Internet connection with 3-minute impulse (where each one was kinda expensive at the time), so you wanted to open as many websites in this timeframe that interested you then disconnect
Alright, so what's wrong with my health, Dr Audio?
doctor plays We Are Number One
Waćpan nie słyszał o tym kandydacie Other? On wszędzie jest w różnorakich sondażach, ale jakoś dziwnie zawsze z małym poparciem
Legenda głosi, że był tak sondaż, który Other wygrał
It will over time. They will notice that sales are going downhill so (hopefully) they will start to listen to community complains, maybe also firing some staff until that point because of "financial struggle".
If sales will stay the same (or be even better) then they will not try to change anything because "if it works, don't fix it"
Dzisiaj usłyszałem tą zmianę. Kompletnie bezduszny jest nowy "głos"