Haha! So bad was so bad that picking worse was better? Good going there!
Bad choice was bad... it wouldn't help them much. Worse choice was literal cancer. Cest la vie
Well... he's punchy... so obviously a great fucking person to judge character. Trump is still a fascist dictator wannabe so fuck anyone defending that shitbag.
Should Biden have never ran for a second term? Yes, I remember the claim of a 1 term even...
Is the dnc complacent in a lot of issues? Of course, Hillary is a real early reminder.
Do I think the DNC is deeply tied to the Russian attempt to get what they want? No, they have their puppet and those 'news' organizations work for him well. All they had to do was keep people angry/complacent. And it worked! Less dems voted.
Never failed to do anything he promised his first term! I mean he completely did... tax breaks for the rich... yep this dog got put down.
I believe this statement and so does he. But somehow its still fake news and the liberal agenda... probably also a caravan of immigrants
Oh it's the dems fault. Also fake news. And somehow an attack on them, why can't you be civil?
Both? I live in Texas we played blackout fuckitup bingo and marked every fucking spot. Ted goddamn Cruz is back... and everyone hates that fuck head.
"Getting along with your neighbors" has moved the right more right... and the left... more right. That center isn't what it used to be.
Phasers or disruptors sir/ma'am, we are civilized here. Even if that one wasn't.
Also the system works, found it, and is caught. Almost as if voting is rather well regulated... and secure.
10% more on things from a company still* breaking records for profits. Corporate greed is killing us all.
Stick to still... fat fingers on a phone edit*
Honest question. Does she need to vie for that vote? We know what trump views & thinks... and it's not good... at all.
Hadn't read their schpeal eh? They may be motivated against trump but they are literally telling people to vote.
They already said "if we win we beat their cheating if we lose they cheated" I'm unsure what more is necessary to hear...
Oddly enough a lot of those happen to fit every one of them.
Pretty sure they thought there literally was a "springtime for hitler"
Wait... we were trying to claim the electoral college was bullshit? Never got the memo for that being quiet. Every idiot president in my voting life has lost the popular vote yet somehow wins.
Yep dad & sister stayed in ft myers... hopefully hear from them tomorrow
I have family that still claim that Russia was helping the democrats! It's not even eating shit, it's living in it and claiming its a hot spring!