Your best posture is your next posture. Try to change it frequently.
Seriously, for me as a European the only thing telling me this is a joke was the logo in the lower left. I had to look twice. This is fucking worrying.
Der Typ scheint mir besser gekleidet zu sein, als ich zu meiner eigenen Hochzeit erscheinen würde. Und das, obwohl er gerade im Badewasser rummatscht.
Um das klar zu machen:
Es wird Päipäll gesprochen, und wer es anders macht stellt mir die Nackenhaare auf.
What a headline...!
I already wondered if it's a daily daily newspaper.
Finally! Can't wait for my next 3D-printing project!!
I kinda want this as a T-shirt.
And then I kinda don't.
Fick WetterAngeleint. Alle meine Zuhausis benutzen DWD Warnwetter.
Vodafone ist ein verkommener Scheißverein durch und durch!
Und was deren Kundendienst angeht... ach komm, ich fang gar nicht erst an, sonst kriege ich üble Flashbacks, weil ich mich plötzlich wieder DIESE VERFICKTE WARTEMUSIK erinnere.
Waren die Zinsen nicht damals sogar höher?
It wasn't even the cheapest I could get. I rented a .de-domain from, because I have made very good experiences with their customer services in the past.
So zahlen Sie die "Miete" an sich selbst und bilden damit ein eigenes Vermögen..."
→ Erstmal zahlt man die Zinsen an den Kreditgeber und baut dessen Vermögen auf.
Just yesterday I rented a tld for 2€/year and got it to update via my router's ddns feature using deSEC. Other similar services are available and I think that many domain rental services even offer their own ddns-like update routes.
All in all it wasn't that difficult, really. And imo an own tld is much nicer than having to rely on some subdomain of a ddns service.
So far (and yes, that is after less than one day) I definitely do recommend this.
Little surprising from today's point of view, ADHD was a thing already in 1881.
And back in my school days, people like me wouldn't usually be called donkeys by their teachers, but they were indeed called lazy and/or stupid, neither of which they actually are in general.
Where FOSS and custom roms!?