Das ist ja mal mega eklig. Vor allem wissen die das ganz genau, sonst würde der Mist nicht so explizit geheim gehalten werden.
Wer sprüht das erste Wandgemälde vom Schutzpatron u/ZonenRanslite in eine DB Haupthalle?
Lederer sieht den Grund dafür in der Mentalität in Deutschland. "Sie sind schon so satt, die wachsen im Wohlstand auf, fahren drei- bis viermal in Urlaub." Das werde alles von den Eltern finanziert.
Wer der Kerl also implizit sagt: Wir brauchen endlich wieder einen Krieg, der das ganze Land zerlegt, damit eine Generation wieder in Schutt und Asche aufwächst. Die haben dann wenigstens wieder Bock auf Arbeit, um aus der Misere rauszukommen. Top Sache.
I just would have crammed a little less storylines in it. The finale was very lacking storywise for me as the somehow had to glue Victor's arc together with the Mel/Jayce arc.
The whole Jayce Hextech arc was such a big nothingburger for me in the end. So much screentime wasted on his lame journey through the multiverse. Also the Ultron fight in the end was definitely one of the endings of all time.
The more grounded stuff was wayy better (Vi, Jinx, Singed). Even Victor's arc was cool while getting mcguffined.
And one nitpick: Why has Warwick no snoot? They should've kept with the more dog-like design for the goodest boy.
Dass Deutschland nicht zu Zeiten der niedrigeren EZB Leitzinses massiv auf Kredit in Infrastruktur investiert hat, ist eines der größten Versäumnisse der jüngeren Geschichte der BRD. Es wäre nichtmal ansatzweise alles so im Arsch wie jetzt, wo man bei hohen Zinsen gezwungen ist, das Geld doch auszugeben.
Ah, so theres some real-world reason the movie Green Room is set in Oregon? Interesting!
Wenn das Deutschlandticket 2026 wieder stirbt, dann muss man sich so langsam eingestehen, dass Deutschland Infrastruktur komplett verlernt hat zugunsten der Besserverdiener.
What's the context for the Nazis in the northwest?
Seems like Valve is still a privatly owned company, poor aaa studios. Let's see how GabeN feels about that.
Haben wir schon c/rentnerfahrenindinge?
Seems like I can't find the community?
Other question: Does ot work on Linux now? We tried months ago on Garuda (Arch) and it doesn't boot iirc.
dIE rEIchEn hAuEN sONsT Ab unD zAHlen GaR kEIne sTeUErN
Your daylight exposure is reserved to your coporate overlords.
This looks like you can hack yourself back in time with it.
But can you pet them?
In what shape is the game nowadays? The scope they went for sounded always great, but I never actually started playing it. How accessible is it for new players?
That looks so cool, now I want one.
Vielleicht liegt im Büro der Innenministers irgendwo eine Voodoopuppe, die die Kerze mit dem Amtsantritt verändert.
Changing wheels on the go between cruiser and street types?
I am new to skating and would like to try to get more into driving around town, however, it doesn't feel safe yet doing it on my standard Bones 103A 52 mm wheels. Our general old European city has some rough terrain (wildly switching between asphalt, stone, small patches of cobblestone, you get the idea).
So I thought I'd try out softer cruiser wheels like the Bones Rough Riders (80A hardness, 56 or 59 mm diameter) for driving around town without breaking my wrist over a small stone again. I'd still like to keep the harder wheels for the skate parks, though, and carrying around two boards seems like a huge hassle.
So what do you think about getting the Rough Riders with a separate set of bearings so I can do a quick wheel change whenever I need to? Is this dumb for any kind of reason I can't think of? Should I go with 56 or 59 mm when I don't want to install riser pads (if even possible)? Do you have any other wheel suggestions for this application?
Changing wheels on the go between cruiser and street wheels?
I am new to skating and would like to try to get more into driving around town, however, it doesn't feel safe yet doing it on my standard Bones 103A 52 mm wheels. Our general old European city has some rough terrain (wildly switching between asphalt, stone, small patches of cobblestone, you get the idea).
So I thought I'd try out softer cruiser wheels like the Bones Rough Riders (80A hardness, 56 or 59 mm diameter) for driving around town without breaking my wrist over a small stone again. I'd still like to keep the harder wheels for the skate parks, though, and carrying around two boards seems like a huge hassle.
So what do you think about getting the Rough Riders with a separate set of bearings so I can do a quick wheel change whenever I need to? Is this dumb for any kind of reason I can't think of? Should I go with 56 or 59 mm when I don't want to install riser pads (if even possible)? Do you have any other wheel suggestions for this application?