Is that really a relevent attack vector in your day to day use, that full disk encryption wouldn't cover? My browser is rarely closed when I am on the PC, so it would be accessible (because unlocked).
Ah, good to know. Thanks!
There is some documentation in the forum about how to add new device support or where to request it. Read it and then decide what to do.
Even CD Project Red added such shit. Instead of directly launching Witcher or Cyberpunk I now have to go through a(nother) launcher now. Pointless.
Baldurs Gate 3 needed one from the beginning as well.
I don't get it.
What ZigBee Coordinator do you use? I know deconz and zigbee2mqtt have the ability to add support for new devices via config files. But that's a bit of a rabbit hole into the ZigBee protocol. They also have forums/issue trackers where one can request support for new devices.
Stalwart is 95% awesome. What holds me back is, that Mails are stored in a Database and not Maildir. Maildir is insanely trivial to backup incrementally and to restore individual mails if necessary. That currently holds me on dovecot.
But that's the neat thing: the system is well structured into different layers and subcomponents. They are not all involved to control lightbulbs; that's mostly your local hue bridge. One component will make sure, Alexa can control your bulbs (if you want that). If that component fails, only Alexa stops working. Another component handles push notifications to your mobile devices. If that fails, the rest is unimpacted. And so on.
That was, for a long time, the main reason I heavily recommended Hue: the bridge can be used completely offline and still offered a good local API and pairing system. Unfortunately last year that made online accounts a requirement. I assume besides the App you can still use many things even if your network connection is broken, though.
It's more comparable to Snikket. Both Snikket and Prose use Prosody as server with their own extensions.
You could look into prose. The interface of slack/discord/mattermost, built on XMPP, with E2EE.
What's wrong with that? Do you expect their backend to run off a single server with a little PHP script? The components seem pretty reasonable (with the actual business logic being just a small part).
Bitwardens local cache does not include attachments, though. If you rely on them, you have to rely on the server being available.
While I like and appreciate the campaign, the issue IMO is bigger. IoT devices for example even have environmental impact when services behind them get discontinued.
I would therefore like a more general rule: whenever a product is discontinued for whatever reason, all necessary documents, sources, etc need to be released to allow third parties to take over maintenance (that also includes schematics for hardware repairs).
I don't understand how that hybrid is supposed to work. Monospace is a binary attribute; either all chars have the same width or not. So what is the font now?
Why? What did Zenimax do to you?
Unreal Tournament
Most people in my company use OSX, followed by a few dozen Linux users (various distros; whatever each one prefers), followed by a few Windows users (whyever they want that). So essentially: we can choose what we want to use.
Yes and no; you left out part of my quote. Stuff that can be put in a reminder is up to me (especially if I tell them "I'll handle it"). But if for whatever reason that's not possible and I tell them "you might have to remind me again next week" and they are fine with that, then they shouldn't be pissed if I indeed needed a reminder. That's what I meant with "I warned them".
This doesn’t seem reasonable… If you accept some responsibility
But ... that was the point. "Telling them your boundaries" implies not accepting something you are not up to. My managers know that I am not a good manager myself. I have a lot of qualities, at being a driving force in a project is not among them. So they don't utilize me for that. Which is good.
Yes, it would be on me if I constantly tell them "sure, just let me handle it" and then not handle it. But that would be the opposite of what I wrote above.
I mostly agree, but (what else ^^):
No one has the right to make their internal turmoil everyone else’s problem, even if it may be particularly burdensome. The world should be far more sympathetic and empathetic, but at some point you have to take responsibility for you.
IMO you do take responsibility when you tell others about your boundaries and how they can work around them. If they don't want to because it also costs them a little bit of energy and disrupts their typical workflows they have (again: IMO) no right to blame it all on you. If I tell them "I can't do X" or something and they again and again expect me to do X, it's also on them.
Simple example: I tell colleagues, family, whatever to please remind me again if they feel I missed something they expected of me. If they do, all is good. If they later are pissed that I missed something and immediately blame me ... sorry my friend, I warned you. (If I had the ability to set a reminder, sure that's on me for not doing that. But it doesn't always work that way.)
They also fuck over their own OS. I don't think they deliberately broke dual boot installs, they simply don't put enough effort in QA. (See their recent problems with BitLocker after an update. Or that one update that fails because some internal partition is too small. And so on.)
AMD GPUs are cursed for me
Each time I try AMD graphics, something is fucked for me. Back with fglrx, fglrx just sucked, so I used Nvidia. Then I had an AMD right around when they finally had opensource drivers, but it was still buggy as hell. So I went with Nvidia again (first a GTX 790, then a GTX 1060). In the meantime I had a new work notebook where I also went with an AMD APU, and had driver crashes for a long time when I was in video calls and it had to decode multiple streams. That thankfully stabilized with Linux 6.4.
Since sooo many people in the community swear by AMD, I thought "dammit, let's try it again for my new desktop" and got an 7800rx ... and I have to reboot ~5 times until I finally make it to a running xserver or wayland session. Apparently I am hit by this problem (at least I hope so). But that doesn't even read nice ... the fix seems to be to revert another fix for powermanagement. So I either have a mostly non-booting card or suboptimal power management.
I start to regret having chosen AMD .... again :-/ I seem to be cursed.
Ein Werbeblatt, das auch in Dresden verteilt wurde, sorgt für Aufregung. Der Einzelhändler Peter Simmel hat sich darin politisch positioniert - und das Blatt nach heftiger Kritik zurückgezogen.
> [...] > > "Entschuldigung, es tut mir leid, dass sich mit meinem Begriff 'Nazis' Menschen angesprochen fühlten, welche mit unserer jetzigen Regierung nicht einverstanden sind", schreibt Simmel in dem Text. "Deshalb ist man kein Nazi. Auch ich bin nicht mit unserer jetzigen Regierung einverstanden und hoffe auf Neuwahlen, welche unsere freiheitliche Demokratie stärken." Einige Menschen hätten sich durch die Formulierung angegriffen gefühlt; dafür entschuldige er sich. > > Peter Simmel liebe Freiheit und Demokratie und setze sich dafür auch ein. "Nach meinem Verständnis sind Nazis Rechtsradikale, welche unsere Demokratie abschaffen wollen, die Hitlerzeit verherrlichen und in ein solch menschenverachtendes System zurückwollen", sagt er, "in ein System, in welchem Andersdenkende oder Menschen, die nicht bestimmten Vorgaben entsprachen, verfolgt und ermordet wurden." > > Durch den Austausch mit Kunden habe er gelernt, dass sich viel mehr Menschen mit dem Wort Nazi identifizieren, als er dachte. "Wahrscheinlich auch deswegen, weil diese Menschen in der Vergangenheit vorschnell in die Nazi-Schublade gesteckt wurden, anstatt sich mit ihren Sorgen auseinandersetzen. Nur weil man gegen die jetzige Regierung ist, ist man selbstverständlich nicht automatisch ein Nazi." > > [...]