Testa på Kagi
Better search results with no ads. Welcome to Kagi (pronounced kah-gee), a paid search engine that gives power back to the user.
Detta inlägg kan klassas som reklam, men jag chansar och ser om det uppskattas eller röstas ner.
Jag har använt Kagi, som er en sökmotor som du får betala för, i snart ett halvår och är väldigt nöjd.
Nu skickade de ut ett marknadsföringsmail där man kan bjuda in 3 vänner till att testa Kagi gratis i 3 månader. Jag vet inte hur de lägger upp det om man måste regga en betalmetod eller inte. Deras vanliga testkonton funkar utan betalmetod, så det hade inte förvånat mig om det bara är att skapa ett konto och köra.
Hur som helst, jag tänkte att det vore väl kul om mina invites kom till nytta och någon som vill testa får chansen att köra en längre period än de 100 sökningar som testkontona vanligtvis ger.
Ta för er om ni är intresserade! Jag rekommenderar Kagi starkt och kommer att fortsätta betala för unlimited en god tid framöver.
Länk till 3 månader gratis: https://kagi.com/p/THANKSF2020715
Hojta om ni har några frågor. Ha det fint :)
Hot tip:
Set your favourite hero as your top priority hero. Then set two very popular heroes (I go for Arbrams and Seven) at the default white priority.
This way almost always someone else will prioritize the other two higher than yours and you will end up with your hero of choice.
Works well for me at least :)
Hol' up..
Is this just brute forcing attempts at generaring a key with the desired art?
Are there any SMS apps that are FOSS and will work with those reactions?
I'm on android and get those weird reaction texts all the time.
I'll give you an angry upvote on this one.
I agree that the EU should do better and be independent from the US. But I still think the US should keep helping out, or at least present a plan for its decreased support over time so that the EU has time to pick up the slack.
Just suddenly pulling funding is more supporting Putin than it is "changing to America first interests".
En kebabpizza med isbergssallad, pommes, färska tomater, färsk gurka och stark sås tack.
Separate account.
I really do hope the ultimate subscription will include Standard Notes in the future.
They are not really saying much about their plans for Standard Notes though.
I guess getting them up to par with Proton in security is a good step towards integrating the services.
When I tried it the page style broke pretty bad.
The text was translated well though.
Imo having lawsuits as a normal expected step in the healthcare system is ridiculous in depth, not just on the surface.
The victim might get compensated in the end, but having to go through lawsuits is just stupid.
This is great news!
Mint is my choice of weapon when it comes to desktop Linux and I have been eyeing the Framework 13 for quite some time now.
Klimatforskare frias i domstol – hänvisar till nödvärn
I augusti 2022 deltog forskaren i en trafikblockad. Nu frias han i tingsrätten, som anser att han agerat i nöd på grund av klimatförändringarna.
I augusti 2022 deltog forskaren i en trafikblockad. Nu frias han i tingsrätten, som anser att han agerat i nödvärn på grund av klimatförändringarna.
Can't see any posts by OP other rhan this one.
What are you referring to?
I love the simplicity in the colour palette and the subject.
It is like a gradient with a wave.
What are some good party games?
TLDR; What are some good party games that encourage getting to know each other and are not centered around drinking?
A year ago I had a great party. I split all participants (maybe 16 people) into 4 teams and made a 3 game tournament which was very appreciated. This year I am hoping to replicate the good vibe we had, but I want new games.
I am now asking you; What are some good party games?
- Low or no amount of randomness (to keep things competitive)
- Reasonably easy to acquire the materials for
- Possible to do as a team
- Encourages interaction, either within the team, between teams or both
- Should not be centered around drinking
I shot it with my Nikon D3200. Old cheap second hand DSLR camera 😄
If I am not mistaken, there is a "don't show me this offer again" thingy somewhere.
But as others have mentioned, it is a free service. And most importantly, this free service does not collect your data or show targrted ads to make a profit off of you when you don't pay. It is truly free. I think being asked to pay for the service is extra okay because of this.
NixOS is exactly what you want.
You declare your configs in a way that you can just copy them to another computer and it willbe configured the same way.
I've never tried it my self, but I might for my next machine.