Sovcit trying to pay their mortgage.
Fucking with your credit by sending magic spells instead of payment is absolutely something you should do, sovcit.
Sovcit is going to have some consequences soon.
That's not very impressive. Let me know when they find the One Ring.
I'm not even sure why I brought up the nuclear winter thing. Sorry.
This totally happened sovcit.
Stupid lamestream scientists!
I bet this guy takes ivermectin by the pailful.
Sovcit is being ignored.
When CPS apprehends them they'll get medical, sovcit.
Sovcit thinks tangling with the water company is a good idea. Water company disagrees.
Sovcit sent the coupon, didn't work for sovcit.
What could the reason possibly be?
Sovcit put the office on notice at 1000 dollars a day.
I'm sorry for grandma of course but I like the 21 dollars in silver coins, sovcit.
Sovcit thought this was a good way to buy a gun.
Things that totally happened, sovcit.
Or you could put that on your car loan, sovcit. But I guess it's more your style to give your money to lunatics.
For one thing, I'm guessing they knew that the Great Pyramid isn't a prison for a giant octopus.
Sovcit is tangling with the IRS