Yeah I haven’t told my parents I voted for Trump. Don’t plan to either, at least not soon.
Even when I was still a democrat I didn’t like talking politics with them because it was all so mean-spirited. They didn’t talk about policies or futures or problems they just talked about Republicans.
So I just don’t talk politics with them and as I started to shift I just got more and more silent. I don’t really care how they vote. I don’t really care about their politics. They’ve my parents. I’d never cut them off for opposing me politically.
But I’m worried they might. Or I just don’t know what would happen. So I don’t bring it up. They talk their shit over dinner and I smile and nod and don’t add anything, because I don’t get to see them very often, and I love them.
And I think Democratic policies are hurting people. Like all the drug overdoses, and the military deaths, and the women being stoned to death in Afghanistan. Mismanaging the world causes lots of death, and could cause the death of all of us.
But I can’t change any of that by being mad at my parents, even if they’re connected to it by their votes.
I'm not that poster, but if you want a policy that Republicans have endorsed that's not explicitly hateful, please consider tax cuts for the rich. Yes, the net effect is bad, but the stated motivation and I think the honest motivation is not one of malice towards the poor.
It is true that down the road Republicans will complain about the budget, so they will use their tax cuts for the rich as an excuse to try to cut benefits for the poor, but it doesn't mean that when they cut taxes now it's intentionally malicious. Many of them are just trying to get more money or give more money to their friends.
This absolutely fits the criteria, well done. Doesn't marginalize people, because it hurts the majority. And they always keep their promises about this one.