Their economy was never good. Many more people living there than in Germany, much larger country than Germany.... And still economically worse than Germany...
Yes, there was a very long convoy of many military vehicles that just drove through Kyiv and everyone celebrated. The election 1 week later showed 95% of the people voting to join Russia.
That's what Putler assumed would happen....
Zu wenig Wohnraum hatten wir halt aber auch schon vor Corona, als die Zinsen noch niedrig waren.
In den Häusern, die nicht gebaut werden konnten, weil Kräfte aus dem Ausland fehlten.
I had used a website that changed the max length of passwords, but ignored, that existing ones might already have been longer.... I overcame the client side validation, but the server side validated it, too...
The war is necessary!!111
Look on the maps... Russia is 🤏. It totally needs more space!!!11
Just shout "Stop meassuring time" when you are in front for a few seconds and say your win was stolen when you reach the goal as the last place...
Is that compressed? I assume, they let you download zip files?
With scraping, you can fully download YouTube, too.
You just need an additional 10 EB of storage space, Millions of different IP addresses, a law firm to deffend against Alphabet, lots of time and energy, ...
In the end, this glues China and Europe together to prepare the next disaster...
Buy a share, go to the annual general meeting, eat and drink everything you can get, sell the share
Make America a joke again
Nah, people would still vote for someone who wants the opposite...
"Come on JFK Jr., it's not M, like Mc'Donalds. It's W, like Wumbo"
For a person from an actual democracy in Europe, this person cult is cringe.
It's December for me...
New fear unlocked?
Why would exactly this change lead to a nuclear war???? The 45 other times, it did not either.
Come on! Let the kiddo feel proud!!!111
The number of days per week is a prime number...
... That's why it's so difficult to remember to do someting every 2nd or 3rd day.
Remembering to do something each day or every 7th day (e.g. every Friday) on the other hand is easy.
Idee: Angriff am Warn-Tag
Ich habe die Meldung auf meinem Handy gar nicht gelesen, sondern sofort weggeklickt, weil es laut war...
Wenn uns also jemand exakt am Warn-Tag amgreift, sind die Warntage alle wertlos, da alle damit rechnen, dass es eine Übung ist... 🙂🤔