The useless part is where the wine is made... Just sayin
Finish the job!
New kitten just dropped
What a shame and disgrace. We will ALL suffer the repercussions of the actions taking place today by countries such as France, the US and Germany.
Add the UK and that's most of the world history right there
You know what pissed a lot of people and felt VERY good? When the girl who sang the French hymn at the Paris Olympics opening was black. Oh boy did it feel right
Oh yeah the sleep, not spending HOURS ruminating before falling asleep every damn night
Me want to reclaim the fancy looking cross but people are still pieces of shit so I can't
Mexico about to become new new Mexico
J'ai mal à ma France et à mon Europe
Me chaining tea, ritalin and caffeine during the day: -50°C finger tips
Mine loved when I did it back to her, she would cuddle me hard but only with me. I miss that little shit
2nd day without meds
Hey, it's always fun to run after refills every months especially when it includes vacations like August. I ran out of meds 2 days ago and have to deal with myself for an entire week before I get a refill.
Guess who has 0 motivation and lay on his bed watching time go by? Yup it's me, I hate it. 1 freaking week.. Someone help me please