Good on your mom. Lots of people say they'd pass on the money in that situation, but it takes a lot of chutzpah to go through with it.
why Luffy could stretch his arms out so far without breaking bones
Yo ho ho he took a bite of gum gum
"You can't send students into the forbidden forest, it's full of dangerous magical creatures!"
"It's fine, they'll be with Hagrid."
"Wasn't he expelled for being reckless and irresponsible with dangerous magical creat--"
"Well, off you go!"
Surely this cabal of billionaires will be just the ones to put those rotten billionaires in their place!
Making friends is easy! Just tie a balloon around their ankle to whisk them away to your secret private military base.
Yup, this is the reason. Americans are used to fatty, processed foods; a double quesorito supreme shouldn't be a problem. Fiber, on the other hand...
I'm lucky, Boost was my app of choice. Now I just use it for Lemmy instead.
The man admitted to collecting and sharing information but denies espionage charges.
For the emprah!
Would you kindly?
Damn, what'd Chile do to piss off the Cappies?
The Baghdad battery was a clay pot containing vinegar and two different metals, which could produce a voltage of 0.5 volts. Therefore, we can reasonably conclude aliens used these to power their spaceships. *Cuts to poorly rendered CGI shot of lightning bolts shooting out of the pyramids up to flying saucers.*
Unfortunately last time he came back it was to sell SUVs
It was that day that Dave learned what a constrictor is
Yes, because as we know Ruzzia has a wonderful track record with negotiations and can 100% be trusted to Do the Right Thing™