Austrian Airlines took THE flight!
Wirtschaft first. Bedenken second. Oder so ähnlich.
Good. So basically it's paying more Trump supporters to do the job of doing nothing? Are egg prices down already?
Put 1000% tariffs on each of it.
Kamala Harris lost cause she's female. And didn't lie promise (that much) to voters. And had the richest 0.5% of US voters against her. This is cause the oldest wannabe-democracy of the world lost his state long ago.
Russia 'sells' Eastern Siberian Territories to China.
For the first time Switzerland has problems with selling to both sides of a war? O tempora, o mores.
Guter Standort für Industriebetriebe? Billiger (Über-)Strom.
Putin killed away all critics early?
Darth Obvious / That's obvious:
A 3rd question will be: It the power button on top or covered?
Ask his (ex-)employees. They didn't get all the money (yet) for their work. ?!!?!?
Nay, when Apartheid ended he saw no ground for his business(es) in South Africa. So he moved to America. More people there to work for nothing but his wealth and their 'American Dream'!
Yay! Another brick in the wall to destroy the USA. Or is it PRICK?
Nay, Leon told Putin to cut government to half.
(United Faschists Ftw)?