Well, a lot of people didn't vote because they believed the genocide/both-sides-are-the-same bullshit, and now Republicans control Congress, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court. But no worries, they are very well-known for their stewardship of the environment, so don't fret.
As someone who whe experienced both-ish, I tend to agree. There is a point where you just get sick when it's too hot and humid and it's way worse than being cold. Your system just shuts down and you feel so bad, and if you don't get away well you die.
That said, -35° is the coldest I have lived through and without proper clothing it's not funny being outside! But it beats dying lol.
We need to be coordinating human effort across the globe on this above all else. China’s the only one taking it seriously right now.
The people defending the US tariffs on imports of Chinese solar panels are engaging in straight up climate change denial. We don’t have time for industry protectionism. Once the currents collapse, food chain collapse will follow shortly.
We dont take radical action and fix this immediately, literally everyone dies, and not in a fast pretty 'nuclear apocalypse' kinda way.
Nothing is unjustified when compared to inaction. No amount of violence or hardship we can inflict will match what we will experience if we do nothing.
It may already be too late.
The people currently in power are at best useless. Dont tell me to beg them. Would take too long anyway; we do not have time to waste on their shit.
So until there's a better idea, gimme everything you've got.
Convert all luxury manufacturing to solar and wind power, where possible, and start training people to build and maintain them. Put alternators on every treadmill and exercise bike. Strip them out of cars if you have to. The point is as much to drive home the desperation as it is to generate power. Recover every joule everywhere you can. Not every factory, not every resource can be a part of this, but where factory owners object, take them out of the picture however you see fit.
No more fast fashion disposable tech bullshit. Everything should be built to last.
Kill the wealthy. They could probably be coerced into joining civilization, but it will take too long and they will do too much damage. The lives lost and existential threat that time would take simply is not worth it. The ones who just come over should absolutely be spared; prince linpopo was a better outcome than princess anastasia, and should be a goal where possible. If mark zuckerberg is immediately willing to be a (closely watched) creepy doll-man who jacks off to the roman empire and lives in a 1 bedroom above his dojo/arena; I say let him. Making an example of the ones who won't or can't be trusted may be necessary.
No new gas cars, no new coal or oil infrastructure. No exceptions. Enforce this violently if you have to. The governments are owned, you will noy get them on board.
Build and retrofit nuclear. There will be disasters. They will suck. Put our best and brightest on this to minimize the risk. Its not a forever fix, but it will buy us time while we figure out load balancing.
Switch to trains and nuclear/wind barges. No new asphalt roads. Sorry, they're just not energy efficient. Start tearing up city streets for trolleys and urban freight rail. Don't ask, beyond calling 811, and your engineer or foamer friend for expert advice and standards. Plan and execute. If you keep to trolleys, they won't be heavier than modern trucks, and things like weight concerns won't factor in-you and your friends can do this with hand tools if necessary, like they did 150 years ago.
No more air travel. No more frivolous air freight or next day shipping, unless somebody cones up with some very cool logistics. Maybe we can bring in hyperefficiemt solar gliders, or some sort of hybrid PV air ship in a few years, once we've sorted food and power out. Wouldnt that kick ass?
No more beef or pork for a while. I know. Shit's gonna be lean for a few years. Fuck I'm gonna miss cheese. Keep enough cows and pigs alive to breed them back, work on greening that shit however we can until we can get some amount of it back. Our grandkids should have cheeseburgers. Maybe us in fifteen years. Cut down on chicken and fish.
Generally fix agriculture. This monoculture shit where we adapt the natural world to our machines? It's not earth friendly, its not sustainable, and its not even that healthy long term.
No more "artificial intelligence" or fucking crypto bullshit.. That shit guzzles resources we desperately need, and it provides no value. Let the computer scientists keep working on crap that isn't a dead end. Give free liberated gpu's to every gamer, just to fuck with the fossil lobby's political base, and have enough left over for super computers, should we need them for stuff.
Tell capitalism to fuck off. Stop accepting money. Start doing stuff because you believe in it in your spare time. Maybe steal shit, when it's held by corporations instead of people, just to grate at the taboo. Thus isn't just because I already wanted to do it; the ideology of ownership-as-value will always tend towards cheating, conflict, exploitation, and stagnation. There's no more time to fuck around with that shit, and also:
Be inclusive. No I mean it; this isn't just hippie shit. Every person you leave behind or exclude is a weakness, is someone with no reason not to undermine you. Whether you exclude them for a disability, their birth place, or any demographic info, you should fucking consider if its worth the cost. It's better to have some folks who eat 2000 calories a day and live in a studio apartment. Let the old folks find ways to give people purpose (should they want it), maybe tell stories or help watch kids.
Stop tolerating violence in defence of the old order. Thats anti homeless sweeps and traditional militaries.
Get fucking organized. Find people who know how to do stuff, and find the shit they need to do it. Find people with nothing better to do and find any task you can offer them; nobody likes doing nothing for too long.
Fix everything. Find the little wastes. Streaming 'the office' ten times a year is a waste when you could just download it. Dont ask permission when a corporation is involved.
China is better in implementing countermeasures than especially the USA (also looking to the dark future ahead) but if they would take it seriously they would need to do quit a bit more especially driving something like a global CO2-tax, but AFAIK they were the ones blocking such measures (not that other nations are much better). THIS would be effective.
Summer homes in Europe go up in value. A new market for winter apparel opens too. Just think to the potential market growth. This is going to make a few shrewd entrepreneurs very wealthy. The planet will suffer, but man think of the money.
Basically it's too late to stop the process.
Even if we switched to renewables entirely, there will be a lag. That lag is now in a positive feedback loop.
I remember some of the early research showing this when I was in college in the late 90s/early 00s. It's mostly following the worst-case scenario models from the time, except 50 - 80 years ahead of schedule.
Not to mention the tipping point where it is no longer reversible. And even worse, the huge effect that the current has on basically the whole of the globe!
The alien visitors to this planet will sort through the ruins of its extinct species and will be told to buy more things. By computers still running, still marketing.
They will shrug their shoulders and wonder what that means, and if it helped the inhabitants.
Humanity is the only species capable of the arrogance required to believe we deserve to endure. Our survival instincts are ultimately self-defeating because we refuse to evolve socially. Instead we make wars and loot resources, rinse and repeat.
So, what does this all mean for us? It means we have even less time to get our act together. Reducing emissions isn’t just a good idea — it’s crucial.
I don't think this will motivate countries to dramatically increase emissions reduction efforts, but I think it will motivate countries to begin geoengineering. Geoengineering is cheaper and easier than rapid emissions reduction, and the results are more immediate. Yes, it doesn't solve the core problem, which is the concentration of GHGs in the atmosphere, but it treats the symptom, albeit temporarily. Why put a lot of time, money, and effort into fixing the core problem when you can spend comparatively less time, money, and effort just treating the symptom? Then you can just pretend the core problem doesn't exist and go about business as usual.
I don't think you realize what a collapsed ocean current means for us. This is existential, not business as usual. Anything we do from here on out that isn't in service of stopping this is signing our species death warrant.
Haha fricking euros enjoying their moderate climate - wait until they find out what’s real Midwest winter is like. And they want to take my truck and my gas stove? Eff them.
Geoengineering is cheaper and easier than rapid emissions reduction
I don't know if your whole comment is sarcasm, but every part of this statement is wrong. We are in the very, very early stages of developing the technologies needed for the level of geoengineering required to mitigate what we have already done to the environment. To roll it out to the levels needed would be far more difficult and expensive that converting our entire way of life to renewables, which should really say how hard and expensive it would be given how utterly daunting of a task full conversion to renewables is.
Now, putting in token investment and paying lip service to geoengineering, that's cheaper and easier than switching to renewables. But that's not even treating the symptoms. That's just your standard con game against the broader population to try to manipulate the conversation.
To roll it out to the levels needed would be far more difficult and expensive that converting our entire way of life to renewables
The cost of geoengineering solutions has been estimated to be less than $5b/yr, which includes R&D. In other words, this is something that the government of New York City (annual budget: >$100b) could easily do alone without any international support, even in the face of significant opposition.
In contrast, ending fossil fuel use requires significant international cooperation and is regularly stymied by opposing interests. NYC obviously cannot do it by itself.
So from a pragmatic perspective, geoengineering is definitely the easiest solution. In fact IMO the lack of progress on emission reduction makes it inevitable, at some point some country will weigh the risks of climate change and take matters into its own hands.
You tried, but your tone and wording was off. Some people would state all that fully believing things can continue and we'll tech out way out of trouble. And we WILL absolutely jump to geoengineering to try and preserve status quo, cost or not. The alternative is to change society dramatically, and that won't happen voluntarily. And the great news is once we start geoengineering, we dare not stop because the reaction will spike things even worse.
It’s not freeing. We may have locked in some really bad changes but it can always get worse. It more critical than ever to get a handle on our green house emissions
It's freeing for me in that, "No matter what, we're at the guaranteed fuck stage. My brain is now freeing up the energy that goes to unproductive worry, and it can now be spared for productive minimization of damage", which I thought was clear with me saying "Still gonna be for eco measures and such"